The Second Competition Day Opening

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Kristy's POV = Tuesday the 6th of October

I woke up again the next morning to the water in Freya's bathroom already running. I looked over to my phone to see twenty missed calls from Sebastian and James. I deleted them all before texting Sebastian.

Message to Seb

Hey sorry if I scared u.

I stayed at Freya's last night.

I'll b bak soon.

Love Kristy.

I waited after I sent it and got a reply by the time Freya was out of the shower.

Message from Seb

It's fine.

Just tell me next time plz.

I was worried.

I thought that Taio got u

Cya soon

Love Sebby.

I waited till Freya was dressed before getting her to walk me to my room. In case I ran into James. I made it to my room and said a quick goodbye to Freya. I walked in and locked the door behind me only to turn around and be in Sebastian's arms straight away.

'Don't ever do that to me again.' He pleaded.

'It wasn't my fault.' I said into his chest. He pulled away and looked at me. 'It's James'.


'He slept with his ex.'


'The night before last.'

'I'm gonna kill him.'

'Don't worry, Charlie and Damien already have, I think?' I giggled feeling better at the thought of him gone.

'Well I'll go and burn him then.'

'He may have hurt me but I still love him Seb.'

'I believe you.' He said.

There was a knock on the door and I went up to answer it. The door boy from downstairs.

'I have a letter for Kristy Stuart.'


'No problem.' He said and left.

I closed the door and went and sat on my bed. I looked at the front of the envelope and saw that it was James' writing. I debated whether or not to open it and chose not to. He'd probably explain exactly how much he loved me and how much it was a spur of the moment thing. I looked over to the alarm clock and saw it was quarter to two. I sat the letter on my bedside table and went to have a shower.

Sebastian's POV

Kristy walked into the bathroom and when I heard the water start running I dived over her bed to get to the envelope that was delivered. I looked on the front to see her name in cursive writing. I had no idea whose it was. I opened it skilfully and read the letter.

"Dear Kristy,

Whatever I did I am truly sorry. If you need proof of where I was

 on Sunday night just ask Mum or Jamie. I was at the theatre

seeing Les Misérables with them. Jamie and I have loved the

stage show and book since we were really young. So when

they asked me to go I couldn't say no.

I know that we will get through this but I don't think I will. Not

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