Forgive and Forget?

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Kristy's POV

Its half past six and I am still deciding what to wear to lounge around with James in. Why it's not like I really want to do anything to get him to like me. We aren’t going out in public anyway. So I just put on a shirt and shorts and did some homework. Then at seven I heard a knock on the door.

'It's open.' James walked in with a bunch of flowers in his hand as well as a wrapped gift and a card.

'Can we talk?' He said sweetly.


'What's wrong? Why were you so angry at me?' He asked.

'It was because well I don't know how to say this but it was I have been getting too close for comfort to you, Last time this happened I got seriously hurt because of it and…'

'You're afraid of getting hurt again.' James finished for me. 'I know what you mean. You are too scared to start a new relationship in case what happened in your last one happens again. You hide in your own world and try not to show your true feelings towards others. I love you Kristy.' Those words had the exact same effect on me as in a text but it felt even better. 'I don't care if I have to wait three years for you to realise it but I do truly love you and I can’t live without you. Please forgive me?' He handed me the flowers. 'Now close your eyes.'

I did as I was told and he stood behind me and I felt his hand sweep my hair over my shoulder. I heard a box open and then something cold on my chest. I didn't open my eyes but I could tell it was a necklace and then I lost James.

'Open your eyes.' He whispered seeing he was standing right in front of me. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and handed me the card. I looked down at the necklace and it was just incredible. It was an amethyst heart in the background and a silver heart with diamonds set in it. It was amazing and breathtaking. I opened the card and read it aloud judging from the handwriting it wasn't James'.

'"Dear Kristy,

I really love you.

Please forgive me.

Love James.

PS.I… Jamie chose the necklace."'

We both burst into laughter I could tell Jamie wrote the card and that James had no idea what was in it. After a minute James broke the silence with…

'So do you want to go get some coffee?'

'Yes. I'll need to get changed though.'

'So does this mean you forgive me?' He said hopefully.

'Not quite yet. Now get out while I get changed come back in ten minutes.' I ushered him out the door, accidentally slamming it in his face. Oops! I rummaged through my wardrobe for something to wear. I settled on a light purple dress with heels and just left my hair as it is with no makeup either. Just as I slipped on my dress James knocked at my door. And walked in.

'Wow. You do take as long as other girls to get ready don't you?'

'Shut up.'

'Fine. Single cars or mine?'

'Yours. Do you mind zipping up my dress?'

'No problem.'

He came over and zipped up my dress. Then kissed my neck. I slipped on my shoes.

'Are we going or are you just going to admire the sights?'

'Admire the sights if possible.' He replied very smugly

'Shut up James!' And I punched him in the shoulder.

'Hey no violence'

And with that I ran off out of my room and into the car park. I may have been in heels but that is my skill running in heels. James caught up with me automatically and opened the car for me to get in. After our usual coffee talk and all we were driving back to the college when I just had to ask something that had been bugging me since our big fight.



"About earlier when you said you didn’t care about Olivia but about me. What did you mean by that?'

'Ok so please tell me you noticed the fact that Olivia was wearing different clothes today?' I nodded. 'So I was sitting in class waiting for you to come in when Olivia walked in. She had dyed her hair as you probably noticed and she looked like a dolled up version of you. So I was staring at her and the way you sent me the last text made me think you had realised that and was angry for it. I just needed you to know you’re the only one for me.'

'James. I really don’t care if you look at other girls as long as you don’t cheat on me. Because then I will personally cut off your balls and force you to eat them.' He laughed. 'It wasn't a joke.' We pulled up in the car park and he walked me up to my dorm room doing his checks on the way to my dorm. He came inside with me and kissed me goodnight before leaving to go back to his dorm.

James' POV

I got back to my dorm and was ecstatic because Kristy and I were good friends again and also really happy that we should still be on for our date on Saturday. I opened my bedside table drawer and saw my gift for Kristy's Birthday. She will love it. I drifted off to sleep wondering exactly what Saturday will bring for us.

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