Not A Dedication To My Ex

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James' POV

'CRAP' I heard Miss Olivia Hammond say

'Miss Hammond no cussing in class.' I said with a smile. 'Ok everyone I am guessing everyone loves competitions.

'Who wouldn't!' said Samantha.

'Well whoever creates the best story, I will pay to get it published and you will get to have dinner... with me... at Breadstix.' All the girls started talking, 'Oh and one more thing before you all leave I will be taking your Music class tomorrow so I will see you all then. Kristy I need you to stay back please!'

After everyone had left it was Kristy and I in the classroom. She stood there looking at me then went to walk out without talking. I bet her to the door and said quite smugly.

'Where do you think you're going Miss Stuart?'

'Mr. Taylor I told you earlier that there will be no coffee tonight and I really need to be getting to doing my homework that you so kindly left for us. So if you don't mind Mr. Taylor I really need to get out of here.' I still wasn't going to let her pass so I stood my ground. 'Get the fuck out of the way Mr. Taylor!!!!'

'Say my proper name and I may let you pass, Oh and would it hurt you to use some manners?'

'James may I please pass so I can actually go and do the homework that you have given us to do?' She retorted batting her eyelashes like she was flirting with me. Wait she WAS flirting with me. I mean who wouldn't?

'Fine if you give me a kiss I'll out of the way.' Just before she left she gave me a smile and just looked at me very "What the Hell Were You Thinking" face. Oh now I am getting cocky! She gave me a kiss on the cheek and left because I had moved and said...

'You didn't exactly say where you wanted a kiss!' She smiled then walked away. The really annoying Kristy that I fell for is back.

The Next Day ..... Thursday...

So it was finally it was Thursday and I was going to be teaching Music replacing Miss Radcliffe for today while she was having "Private" time. Everyone started filing in. I wasn't paying attention to anyone but waiting for Kristy to come in. Then something caught my eye. Not Kristy but Olivia. She had dyed her hair and changed her whole look. She and I am ashamed to admit this but she looked hot!!! Kristy came in an I remembered she is my Girlfriend-to-be not Olivia. But DAMN SHE WAS HOT!!!

'Ok girls settle down for those of you who do not know me I am Mr. Taylor but you can call me James.' After the roll I didn't know what to say or do for that matter. 'So what do youse usually do?' Kristy laughed at me.

'Oh James well Miss Radcliffe has never taught us before because this is our first Music lesson. So why don't you sing us a song. Perhaps?' She questioned very sexily. If that's a word? God I did promise that I would sing her a song. Why does she have to have such a good memory?

'Thank you for that fact Miss Stuart but I can't sing. Well I can but if say four people were to sing I will sing at the end of the lesson. How does that sound to everyone?' I heard excited mumbles from between the class. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I read the text.

Message From Kristy

What do u think Ur doing?!

Love Kristy

I replied back.

Message to Kristy

Since u decided to make me sing

I will make u sing


Love James <3

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