I'll Forgive, But I Won't Forget

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Kristy's POV

Half way through my song James upped and walked out of the theatre's main auditorium. I continued the song and completed it and walked off stage before crying.  It had worked. But I still felt bad. Freya came and congratulated me scooping me up in a giant hug.

'Hey, why are you crying?'

'I miss him Freya.'

'Look I know you do. Just let him talk to you later.'

'Yeah, it will be better.'

'Will all competitors come out to the stage for the results please?' A voice said backstage over the loud speaker.

'Ready to go?' I asked Freya.

'Yeah.' She replied holding her hand out to me.

We all walked out on stage in the order we sang.

'And please welcome back to the stage, Kristy Stuart!' Finn said making the theatre erupt in cheers. I walked out and glanced back over to where James was sitting to see him back there eyes swollen and red, I felt bad. I had caused that. Worse off I could see it from up here on the stage. I stood next to Freya and tried to keep myself under control and not scream out for him to forgive me.

'You've seen them perform and you've seen them leave, who will be next? The scores now are…'

I held my breath as the scores were read out. I really didn't pay all that much attention until Freya and my scores came up.

'Freya Sutter with a score of thirty out of thirty and Kristy Stuart with the same as last time keeping her in first place and Freya in second. We will be seeing them again tomorrow. Along with…' Finn rambled off names that didn't include Olivia.

'I only have one more announcement for tonight. That is that the dance portion of the competition is cancelled as our choreographer has broken her ankle last night. I'm Finn Mclean and this is the SWTC's. Goodnight California.'

Everyone was walking off stage, some crying, others super happy. But my mood was a mix of both. I was ecstatic about being in first place but still upset about James. I made my way to the change-room and got changed before waiting for Seb to turn up.

A few minutes later Seb walked in and sat down next to me while I waited his hand gently squeezing mine. Even later a knock was heard on the door.

'Come in.' I said.

James' POV

Kristy got a perfect score and is still in first place. I was proud of her and even more excited about explaining everything to her. I waited a while before making my way down the corridor to Kristy's change-room. I walked down and Karla came out in front of me.

'James, I need to tell you something.'

'Karla, can it wait? I have something to do.'

'It can't wait James. Look, I'll be quick about it. I went to your room on Sunday night to in short have sex with you. When I got there I did what I had gone there to do. I woke up the next morning, only realising then it wasn't you. It was Taio. I don't know what he was doing there but all I know is it was a mistake.'

My mind suddenly clicked to what Kristy had said when we broke up.

"More like who haven't you done?"

'Karla you have to come with me but first I need to tell you something and even though you are my ex and we may not get along and I shouldn't trust you. I need you to keep an open mind and not tell anyone what I am about to tell you.'

'I promise.'

I continued on to tell her about Kristy and me. The whole story.

'James. Of course I'll come with you after you do one thing for me. Punch Taio.'

'No need to ask.'

Karla followed me as I made my way to Kristy's change-room door. I knocked.

'Come in.' I heard and I opened the door.

Sebastian's POV

James walked in the door and Kristy took a sharp breath in.

'Hello James.' She said bluntly. Karla then walked in after would. 'Come to show off your new relationship?' She snapped.

'Kristy.' I said quickly. 'Look James, you’re here to explain. I don't know why you brought HER with you.'

James then spoke. 'I brought Karla with me because she is my explanation. Karla go ahead.'

'I went to James' room on Sunday night to in short have sex with him. When I got there I did what I had gone there to do. I woke up the next morning, only realising then it wasn't James. It was Taio. I don't know what he was doing there but all I know is it was a mistake. It brought you and James apart and I am terribly sorry about it.' Karla explained and it all made sense.

'Sebby, Karla, can James and I have some time alone please?' Kristy asked and Karla and I complied. After walking out we stood with our ears to the door. 'Away from the door Sebastian.'

I walked away knowing that Kristy would tell me later what went on.

Kristy's POV

Well, I feel like complete and utter bitch.

'James, I don't know what to say. I feel like such a bitch.'

'Don't apologise. You did what you knew was correct. You jumped to conclusions though we'll have to work on that in class. But at the moment you’re my teacher and I need a lesson in forgiving.' James' arm snaked its way around my waist and his other one on my upper back. He pulled me into him and held me close.

 'Now about the lesson.' I raised myself up onto the balls of my feet and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 'Don't think you’re getting anymore, because technically you haven't asked me out again.' I sneaked out of his arms and gave him another kiss on the cheek.

'Bye. James. By the way still carrying around these?' I held up the necklace he brought me and the rings threaded onto it. His hand went to his back pocket where they were.

'How did you?' He asked with some amusement glinting in his voice.

'I'm a woman, we are skilful. And it also shows how distracted you get around me.'

'True but still how did you know?'

'You'll never know.' I said at the door. As I went to close it.

'Kristy, will you be my girlfriend again?' James called out. I closed the door. Smiling evilly to myself.

James' POV

She just closed the door. That girl is so hard to read sometimes. But at least all is cleared up.

I hope.



I know I disappeared for two months but I have an excuse.

My boyfriend of one year broke up with me and I had to get over it before I could write a love story.

But just so you know I LOVE YOU ALL!

I disappear for Two months and my reads go from 3100 to 5700.

You guys must love James and Kristy too.

Would anyone want to edit this for me by any chance?

Love you all heaps.

Stormi! @(^ . ^)@ (koala time)

PS. Sorry it's so short.

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