In One Moment Two Things Can Happen, Both Usually Not Bad

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Kristy's POV = Monday The fifth of October.

Charlie and Damien had helped me decided on a song by Taylor swift that helped me decide on what I was feeling. I'd practised it and was prepared. I check my phone and saw a message from Finn saying that the second day was postponed until tomorrow. Good. I went downstairs with them and saw a frantic looking Sebastian sitting with my parents. James was nowhere to be seen. Probably too tired from banging Karla all night. I sat down next to Sebastian and gave him a kiss on the cheek before talking to my parents.

'Morning Mum, Dad. How was your night?'

'Great thanks. We're so proud of you Kristy.' Mum said.

'Thanks Mum, Luckily day two isn’t till tomorrow because I changed my song last night.'

'Okay then sweetie what do you want for Breakfast?'

'Nothing thanks I just lost my appetite.' I said when I saw James walk in the dining room. He caught my eye and waved before I got out and stormed out the other entrance. I went to the theater and sat in the dressing room crying.

James' POV = Last Night after the Competition.

Kristy had just gotten a perfect score and first place for the first day of the competition. After would I was walking out of one of the exits when I saw my family, Jamie and Mum.

'JJ!' Jamie called out.

'Jamie!' I screamed which cause some people to look at me weirdly.

'Mom's taking me to see Les Misérables tonight do you want to come? It's in Gold Class.'

'Of Course I do it's only my favourite Musical EVER!' I got more weird looks. Stuff You!

I got changed then Jamie, Mum and I went to the movies and sat through the approximately three hour long movie in Gold Class. I found out they were staying in the same hotel as me so I spent the night in their room so as not to wake Kristy or Sebastian because it was already midnight. I told them about the fake relationship and Jamie told me of their time in New York over Fall Break. She was still overly excited about it. At One AM we ended up going to sleep.

When I woke up at nine AM and went straight down to breakfast. I saw Kristy sitting with her parents and Sebastian. She looked over and saw me. I caught her eye and waved but not before she stormed out of the room. I went over and sat with her family and Sebastian. Charlie and Damien soon joined us. I questioned…

'Do any of you know what's wrong with Kristy?'

'No.' Charlie answered too quickly. 'James can we speak to you outside?' Damien and Charlie got out and went into the area near the pool. I followed and saw them sitting waiting for me.

'What's up guys?'

'Nothing. Where were you last night?' Damien asked.

'At the movies with my Mum and little sister watching Les Misérables.'

'Really? What is Jean Valjean's prison number?'

'Jean Valjean is prisoner 24601, easy.' I answered easily. Where were they going with this?

'Ok. Correct.' Charlie stated. Of Course it was correct. I have seen every stage show of it. Read the book and seen each movie and was at the 25th anniversary concert. 'Name the two female characters and how they die?'

'Fantine dies from a disease and Éponine dies from getting shot on the battlefield when telling Marius that Jean was given the letter that was meant for Cosette.' I retorted.

'Fine then. One last question. In the 25th anniversary concert who played Marius and which character played the priest in the new movie?'

I sighed. Could they make them anymore easier? 'Marius was played by Nick Jonas. Jean Valjean's actor played the priest in the new movie. Also the girl who played Éponine, Samantha Banks, is played her in the movie and Gavroche, Someone Huttlestone was also the same person from the 25th anniversary concert.' I finished and they looked at me funny.

'Fine you know a lot about Les Mis. But that still doesn't confirm it. Just stay away from Kristy. Are we clear?' Damien said.

'Crystal.' I said as believingly as I could. I knew I wouldn't stay away. Hopefully I was convincing.


They left leaving me standing out there in the coldish weather. I walked inside and ate breakfast with my family before going upstairs to my room. I walked in to see that the maid had already been and remade my bed. I slumped down the door wondering what I had done to make Kristy this upset. Was it our one month? No that wasn't till another seven days. She was upset for me not telling her where I was going? No texts. I have no idea. One thing I did know.

Kristy Lee Stuart, You are going to be the death of me.

Kristy's POV

I stayed at the theatre for god knows who long practising my song. I left and went to the hotel. I decided to walk up the stair when I was stopped by James.

'Kristy what have I done?'

'More like who haven't you done?'


I slapped him. Twice. Thrice.

'Ok I may have deserved that. What have I done?'

'You are dumber than you look. We. Are. Over.' I said. I ripped off the necklace he gave me and both of the rings. I threw them on the ground and stormed off on the brink of tears. I ran straight to Freya's room.

'Can… I... In?' I said between sobs.


Can… Sleep… Tonight?'

'Yeah sure Emma's seeing her family. They are having dinner then going to a movie. She'll be out late so she's staying with them.'

'Thanks.' I said wiping my eyes with the sleeve of my t-shirt. I left my hoodie at the theatre.

Freya gave me a box of Kleenex and said. 'Mamma Freya's here speak now.'

I tried a feeble attempt of comedy. 'You need to hear me out when the said "Speak Now"!'

'Okay what's wrong? Only you can make that song sound tragic.' I told her everything. Not leaving out anything. By the end her fist was white with anger. 'Go. Sleep. You look like death herself.'

'Actually Death is more commonly known as Hades, the god of the dead but death "Himself" is actually Thanatos. To Roman and Greeks alike.'

'Only you would think about gods and goddess' at the moment. Now sleep.'

'Yes, Mamma Freya.'

I fell asleep automatically, tears welling in my eyes.


Give me a moment.

*Holds back sobs

I'm crying just writing this. I've never experienced heartbreak or anything so give me a break if its not realistic. It should be.

If you sneezed while reading this. Bless You.


(^ . ^)

( v v ) Happy Bunnies!!!!

Peace out for Unknown amount of time.

Stormi XP

P.S. OMG Les Misérables is amazing. AMAZING!!! Anne Hathaway is AMAZING as Fantine. I like Gavroche the best. That kid got spunk. If you like Les Mis Comment and we talk Les Mis together!

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