Close Call

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Today at school, I almost got in serious trouble. So I gave my friend my Social Studies homework to look at and copy some final answers and she was doing it in English class when our teacher confiscates it and I'm panicking. I try getting it back and I'm a HORRIBLE, and I mean HORRIBLE liar under pressure. And this is exactly what happens-

Me: *voice wavering nervously* Mrs.__________, can I get the homework to confiscated from _________ back? It was mine.

Teacher: Well, it seemed to me that you two were cheating.

Me: *panicking now and voice is obviously cracking* I was just letting her copy over it!

Teacher: *eyes bulging* Copy?

Me: No! I meant like, you know, check over my homework and see if it was correct!

Teacher: Who's your Social Studies teacher?

Me: Mr._________.

Teacher: Than I'll tell him about it and see what he says about it.

Me: *voice wavering and cracking* Ok.

So I had SS next period and this is what happened.

Me: *stomps into classroom and slams books on desk*

Friend 2: Wow, I've never seen you this mad before what's wrong?

Me: *doesn't answer but grabs one of her notebooks and throws it on the floor*

Friend 2: Ok....

Friend 3: What's wrong?

Me: *tells her*

Friend: *walks in* Mrs.____________ needs us.

Me: *goes with her*

Teacher: *hands us homework* Don't be cheating, only one chance.

So when I got back to SS (class hasn't started yet).

Me: *skipping unto room, runs us to friends and smacks Friend 3 on the head with HW*

Friend: What the heck?!

Me: *shows her homework* I got it back!

But yeah, I can't handle the thug life.

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