The Wild Fangirl

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This is gonna be like a nature documentary.


Narrator: *in bookstore* In this beautiful environment roams the wild fangirl.

Me: *enters the store*

Narrator: *whispering and hiding, but peeking from behind a bookshelf* The wild fangirl examines this vast habitat, looking for the right prey. That prey is books.

Me: *looking at every bookshelf carefully*

Narrator: The fangirl looks at every book, carefully trying to choose the right one. She knows that this is her only chance for the next three weeks or so until she gets another chance to come.

Me: *walks around and backs up to one book and stares at it*

Narrator: This is the moment of truth. The fangirl decides if this is the right book. You will know if it is when the fangirl squeals and jumps up and down.

Me: *squeals and jumps up and down*

Narrator: It is the right one.

Me: *looks behind a bookshelf and sees Narrator and camera crew* What are you doing?

Narrator: *waves hands wildly* ABORT! ABORT! OUR COVER HAS BEEN BLOWN! I REPEAT: OUR COVER HAS BEEN BLOWN! *runs away*

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