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That awkward moment when the teacher calls you up to her and you almost get up there but there are these desks blocking your path and you can't squeeze through, so you have to go all the way back around while everyone stares at you.

That awkward moment when you do try to squeeze through, bit get stuck and when you made it through, the desks make a loud BANG sound and everyone just stares at you.

That awkward moment when you're talking about The Blood of Olympus with your friend while walking down the stairs and you slip and fall on your butt.

That awkward moment when you don't have a comeback and just lamely mutter,"Whatever," while walking off and people are whispering behind your back, but you act like you don't hear them, even though you do.

That awkward moment when you be nice and compliment someone's food, they look at you, and you seem fat.

That awkward moment where you're daydreaming in the middle of class when the teacher calls in you and you yell too loudly,"HUH?!" and everyone stares at you.

That awkward moment when you're reading in the middle of class and then when you look up, everyone's staring at you because the teacher asked you something.

That awkward moment where the teacher asks a question and you're jumping out of your seat yelling,"I KNOW THIS!" Then the teacher calls on you and you get the answer wrong.

That awkward moment when you cuss when a teacher is staring at you.

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