Book Sacrifice: Classic

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You guys remember that Booo Sacrifice tag I did in an earlier chapter? And the part about the classic? If you don't remember, here's a refresh of that part:

3) A Classic: Let's say you're in a lecture and your English teacher is going on and on about how this classic changed the world, how it revolutionized literature and you get so sick of it that you chuck the classic right at his face because you know what? This classic is stupid and it's worth detention just to show everyone how you feel! What Classic did you chuck?

Now I know why book I chucked. The Twelfth Night by Shakespeare. I'm Sirius, it was crazy boring and the humor was just.... no humorous. I hated it so much. Whenever the teacher said in class, "Ok, class. We're going to continue to read The Twelfth Night." I practically almost combust into tears. I want to burn it.

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