Another HPSS

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I'm writing another Harry Potter Short Story. Yeah, the only reason I'm doing these two at once is because they're during different eras. The only time I'll do multiple ones at once is f they're all during different eras. And I really couldn't resist doing this right now.

This one's called Harry Potter Short Stories: Missing You (2). Description:

Dear Petunia,
James said that writing this letter could help me. I don't see how. It's not like your ever going to read it, but oh well. What do I have to loose? I want to tell you something, Petunia. Even after you called me all those mean names, I miss you.

Dear Lily,
I had nothing else to do and writing this letter just popped into my mind. Well, this is awkward. It's not like you'll read it. But it's not hurting anyone, so I guess I'll try. Lily, you may be a freak. But you're my sister. And call me crazy, but I think... I think I miss you.


Lily and Petunia Evans used to be very close. They used to bond and love each other deeply. Then, Lily gets her Hogwarts letter and she meets Severus Snape. Things start to change between the two sisters.
Even after all they had been through, they still can't help but say, "I miss you."

Ya... Powa of sisterly luv.

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