32- The Emerged Soldier

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Written: 12/11/20
Published: 12/13/20

     Y/n was excited. The cadets were graduating! That means Eld, Gunther, Petra, and Oluo will soon be in her squad and be a scout! Granted, people say you are officially a scout when you come back alive from your first mission... The girl was chosen to do the speech for the ceremony since Erwin was busy and anyone else wouldn't get the point he wanted. (Hanji would freak them out, Miche wouldnt explain thoroughly, Levi would scare them, and Moblit was resting for once.)

     Y/n wondered if she should go and see the four and ease their nerves, but Hanji frantically told her not to. "It's like a wedding! You know how they say it's bad luck to see your bride or groom before the ceremony!" She told her. This ended up with Y/n being bored the rest of the day. The graduation takes place after dark. She stopped in a small tavern and ate a meal before. In the side of her vision, she could see a girl near the two trio's age. (Eren, Mikasa, Armin and Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie) The girl was rapidly stuffing bread in her mouth. Y/n finished and headed towards the grounds.

     Why have I not been getting much interaction with the titans recently... Erwin, Levi, Hanji, Miche, and Moblit are hogging all the kills! Y/n thought enviously. She sighed frustratedly but let it go.

     It was dark and the torches along the walls were lit. The cadets were lined up in the courtyard and she hid in the wings. (Behind the curtains on the side. It's a theatre term) She walked into view and a few of the cadets' eyes widened both in admiration and surprise.

     Y/n cleared her throat. "Good evening. Congratulations to each and every one of you for making it this far into the corps. It is now time for you to select your regiment. I have been told that it was revealed who are the top ten scorers. Naturally, only those ten can enter the military police. I am Y/n Ackermann and I invite you all to join the survey corps. Those who wish to join other regiments, you are dismissed." More than 70% of the cadets were shuffling away from the grounds. Scanning her eyes over each cade- no, graduate, she nodded. It was a good amount.


     The squad leader informed her special brats that they would be joining her and Levi's squad and will be placed in the next expedition.

     Petra was excited to fight alongside such strong people. Eld and Gunter were honored. Oluo was cocky and ranted. "I knew they wouldn't be able to refuse me!" He would say. "I'm the best, after all!"

      ""I'll bet the only reason you're in the Ackermann squad is because of your connection with one of the captains." Eld half joked.

      "Yeah. We all know I'm stronger than you." Gunter said. "I just like to let you get some kills."

     She also told them to pay extra attention during class about formation and such. Levi would get frustrated if a bunch of incompetent rookies were solely counting on him.

4 weeks later

     The scout regiment was in front of the gates, ready to depart. Everyone was prepared to fight for everything important to them. Y/n glanced at her squad members and rookies. Their lives were in her hands.

     The girl could see the nervousness and fear in her subordinates. At an attempt to soothe their nerves for even the slightest, she nodded at them. They looked a bit surprised, but nodded in return. Thank She turned her attention back to the gate which was now opening. Erwin ordered all squads to move forward, which happened. The noise of stomping horses echoed throughout the town. The sun felt energizing and relaxing on Y/n's face. If only mom could have felt this. She wished.

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