16-The First Day

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Published 11/20/20

     That morning, (Y/N)'s fever had miraculously disappeared. The quartet was preparing to join the survey corps that day. They were required to wear the uniform. It included a light brown jacket with a patch of the wings of freedom, white pants, a brown thing that looked like a skirt, and long boots that reached slightly above their knees. Isabel had mentioned how the fit looked incredibly silly. They were permitted to wear any shirt underneath. Isabel chose a button-up white shirt, Farlan chose a tan shirt that slightly dipped in the middle, (Y/N) chose a white shirt, and Levi chose a white shirt as well along with a...

     "Levi. Why are you wearing a cravat?" (Y/N) asked. She looked at the cloth he tied around his neck.

     Levi looked at her. "Kuchel." He said, in order to refrain from Farlan and Isabel finding out as well.

    That's why it's so familiar. His sister thought. It's part of mother's dress that she would always wear... When did he take it? Many occasions that Levi could have taken the part of their mother's dress came into her mind. However, she was not able to hone in on a single one.

     The four walked outside, they all looked somewhat decent in their uniforms... For a bunch of thugs. All of the other scouts were already lined up. The quartet was told to stand in front of them all on top of a podium. From right to left, stood Isabel, (Y/N), Levi, and Farlan. Isabel had a hand on her hip while Farlan had his hands behind his back. (Y/N) had her intertwined hands cradling her head like usual. Levi just crossed his arms with a bored expression.

    "Attention, all troops!" A man with short brown hair basically screamed. "The four new recruits you see standing up here are our new comrades who will be fighting alongside us, starting today. Alright, you four, go on and introduce yourselves to everyone." What is this, a schoolhouse?

     Levi took a quick glance at Erwin then looked at the scouts that stood before them. "The name's Levi." He said. A few people in the crowd had gasped at the informality and grim expression Levi wore. It seemed the sharp eyed male had given the okay signal for the others to introduce themselves.

     "Isabel Magnolia! Pleased to meet ya!" Isabel pointed to herself with a wide smile on her face. It was as if she forgot these guys were the scouts and not exactly their friends.

     "I'm Farlan Church. Hey." Farlan saluted... incorrectly. His right hand had his pinky finger on top when the thumb is supposed to be showing and not to the person's chest. It had seemed a few other scouts had caught this and they gave him dirty looks.

     The dirty looks had subsided when they realized it was the mysterious and final girl's turn to introduce herself. The gazes honed in curiously on the h/c haired female. "Y/n..." She looked towards Levi. He didn't say his last name and (Y/N) wasn't sure if she should either. Levi shrugged at her, a movement that did not go unnoticed by everyone. "...Ackermann." She finished. She put an arm around Levi. "His last name is also Ackermann." She looked back to the scouts. She saw surprised faces. Everyone thought she was married to him at such a young age. "He's my brother." She commented in case for misunderstandings. (Y/N), hm? What a beautiful name. And I guess Levi really isn't her boyfriend. Erwin thought to himself. Little did he know, every other scout had thought the same.

"They will be assigned to Flagon's squad. You are in charge of them, alright?" The intense brunette said.

Flagon was surprised. "Y-You're putting them in m-my squad?!" He asked hesitantly.

"Is there a problem?" The man asked.

     "No, it's not that, I just thought that they would be put under squad leader Erwin's care..." He shared.

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