89- Finale

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Written: 10/10, 11, 15-18/21

Published: 10/18/21

(I would love if you commented and voted on this chapter! I spent a lot of effort into this finale and would love to know your thoughts. I sincerely hope you all will read the oneshots and endings for the characters! Feel free to request, but it may be slow.)

Y/n, Eren, and Zeke stood in the sandy plains, looking towards the founder of it all: Ymir. Y/n ignored the nervousness swelling in her stomach. All of her friends and humanity itself was in her hands now. The captain was not quite sure what to bargain for.

I'm still getting my thoughts together... Y/n thought to herself. But... This is a human who was forced to live a shackled life. She saw no strong woman before her, but just a young child who had no choice in what she could do. She wanted freedom. She's been waiting 2,000 years for someone to come are her from this repeating cycle of hatred, murder, and captivity. That's right. Out of everyone, she picked me. She truly...

"Ymir. I've come here, just like you wanted. I was born, lived a poor excuse of a childhood. I killed people. I saved people. All this time, you've been waiting for me, haven't you?"

"Eh?" Eren and Zeke voiced. The two half-brothers looked at each other. Eren's gaze seemed to say, Do you know what she's talking about? Zeke's gaze told the brunette he was in the dark, as well.

The strong, grown captain harmlessly approached the young girl. She kneeled down. Y/n was unable to see any emotion in Ymir Fritz. She seemed like a mere husk. The h/c haired woman took her hands in hers.

"You gave me a strong, wonderful brother who cared endlessly for me. You gave me wonderful friends who helped me time and time again. I grew into an esteemed, highly respected, somewhat responsible captain and example to my comrades." Y/n paused. There was still no reaction from the founder girl. "I understand. What you wanted back then..."

Y/n... You'll be the one to save us all.

"That's why you gave me the dreams of everyone's life? Why you gave me my friends and brother? None of this would have turned out this way if I had succumbed to hatred and rage. I doubt many people would be alive today." Y/n made a back glance at Eren, who was shell shocked on the ground. She turned back to the girl. "I needed to understand everyone. Colt, Porco, Zeke, Gabi, Bertholdt, Annie, Reiner... There was no doubt I would have massacred them. Everything you have done... Brings us to today. It brought you to your long awaited freedom."

"Y/n..." Eren muttered.

"Y/n-chan..." Zeke muttered.

Eren elbowed the blond. "Shut up!"

"Now here's where I'm selfish..." Y/n chuckled. "Give my family the life they want. Return the Eldians to... No... Eradicate the titan power." We'll deal with the vengeful Marleyeans without the titan powers. I don't want any of them dying from the curse before their time should be. "For everything they've fought and lost. Give them their lives at least."

"What will be given in return?" Ymir asked. "You ask of such a great deed..."

Y/n nodded understandingly. Eren gaped. "No way... Don't do it, Y/n!" He shouted. He punched the sand. "I'll do it! I won't really get to live after this, anyway." I'll be rotting in a cell of some sort.

Y/n whipped her head at the stupid brunette. "Shut up, Jaeger! I came all this way and through all this trouble to even negotiate your survival, too!" Eren halted in his tracks after she had addressed him by his last name. She turned back to the girl once more. "I'm ready for whatever punishment."

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