41- Existence of an Insider

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Written: 1/2/21
Published: 1/4/21

The whole Ackermann squad, including eerie new recruit, Eren, were riding through a small forest. They were riding to an abandoned headquarters for the scouts. Y/n told Eld and Gunther to take the front. Her and Levi took the back. Oluo and Eren were in the center, Petra between them and the front two males. Oluo was lecturing Eren on the history of the architect.

"The former headquarters of the survey corps." He said. "The facility is no more than an old converted castle. Charming in its way, sure... But a headquarters this far from both the wall and the river was worse the useless to the survey corps. Back then, the survey corps had just been formed, and the soldiers were still full of ambition. Who would've figured... that this oversized decoration would be the best place to keep you looked up?"

Eren had tuned out the blabbermouth's words a long time ago. He looked behind him. Both Y/n and Levi had their eyes on him. Levi was scowling and Y/n was stoic and unreadable. Eren had to admit, he was kind of scared to do as much as glance at Levi's sister. Eren's gaze immediately whipped back to the front.

"Don't get cocky, rookie..." Oluo whispered.

"Excuse me?" Eren asked, confused.

"I don't know about this titan business, but the idea of Captain Levi and Y/n constantly chaperoning a pissant like you makes me sick. Captain Y/n especially... Now you listen here you little-" He was interrupted by himself biting his tongue so hard, it squirted blood.

     Y/n almost smiled. That's awfully nostalgic.

The squad finally arrived at the old, tiny castle. Indeed, it was pretty beaten up and old, just like Oluo had described. There were overgrown plants and weeds everywhere. Some were even climbing up the walls due to lack of attention. Some of the bricks were missing in certain places. They rode through the tiny bridge across the empty moat. No way it could have a moat, this far from the river, anyway.

Everyone put their horses in the stables. Eren petted his animal while Oluo got some water from the well and tended to his bitten tongue. Y/n had earlier given him a tissue. Petra stood along with him. Y/n, Levi, Eld, and Gunther were examining the level of revolting-ness of the castle.

"Blathering like that on a horse... Of course you're going to bite your tongue." Petra told Oluo.

"I was making a first impression." Oluo replied. "That rookie was quaking in his boots."

"I think he was just surprised at how much of an idiot you are, Oluo." Petra retorted.

"At any rate, he's just what I expected." Oluo said as he wiped his mouth.

"You know, you never used to talk like this." Petra said. "If... and this is just a guess... but if you are trying to imitate Captain Levi, just stop it would you? I mean... you have absolutely nothing in common with him."

"Heh...What, are you trying to rein my in, Petra?" Oluo asked. "If you wanna act like my wife, there are a couple steps you skipped. Captain Y/n on the other hand... she'll fall into my loving arms! I'm acting like her brother she loves so dearly! Guys like that must be her type!"

"What an idiot. Don't you think you're getting carried away just because Captain Y/n chose you? I wish you'd bitten your tongue off and died from blood loss..." Petra admitted.

"I'm your comrade in arms! That's not funny!" Oluo yelled.

Eren, who had been eavesdropping, was a bit surprised. So Captain Y/n handpicked everyone here? Not Captain Levi? The survey corps special operations squad, commonly called, 'Ackermann Squad'. So this is where they assigned me... They're here to restrain my when I use my titan power. If I go out of control, these people are going to kill me. Eren thought to himself.

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