15- Cake

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Published 11/20/20

(The picture is Sairam)

     After Levi had told the scouts that they would join the survey corps, Farlan was on edge. We aren't supposed to join the survey corps, we are just supposed to... Farlan inwardly shrugged and decided he would ask Levi about it later. The criminals were forced to their feet. Everyone, scouts and thugs alike, had gathered around (Y/N) to check her condition. Isabel and Farlan were frustratingly held back by the unknown scout. Sairam had an interest in the girl so he decided to take a peek at her. She had made a daring move on Squad Leaders Erwin and Miche and he hadn't seen her clearly the whole time. That took guts. Levi could not be held by Miche. He refused to get away from his sister who's condition was not the best. Erwin kneeled next to her. Even if the thugs wouldn't tell him the girl's name, he would find out soon.

"It seems she has a fever." Miche commented.

"Don't touch me." Y/n lightly growled. She tried to pull away but ultimately only did so an inch or two.

     Erwin looked at him. He looked at the girl and also put his hand on her forehead, much to Levi's disliking. Her already tired and closed eyes shut even tighter at Erwin's touch. Levi was practically shaking from anger and worry. He wanted to know just how hot she was. Just how sick she was. Did she feel any pain? Being handcuffed didn't matter to him. He put his head to her head. Her breathing had slightly slowed and she seemed more relaxed. This earned many weird stares from those around him. It was hot. Sairam, Erwin, and Miche were the most surprised by Levi's actions. Farlan and Isabel knew Levi did similar actions whenever (Y/N) was sick or something like that.

     Sairam hesitatingly shuffled. Erwin noticed Sairam had a question burning through his mind. He nodded. Sairam took note of this, but still nervous because of Levi was not exactly in a good mood right now. "Are you... Her boyfriend?" Everyone paused at his sudden question. Farlan had wide eyed at the question. He knew they were siblings, but if they weren't, he knew they probably would have gotten together. Even though it wasn't reality, it still made Farlan uneasy. Isabel stifled a laugh, but she knew if she let it out, it would make Levi and (Y/N)'s relationship even more suspicious to the scouts. Although, Miche and Erwin had been told by (Y/N) herself Levi was not her boyfriend, they still had some doubts. This caused the question to still linger in their brains until now, when the question had been asked. Levi just stared at Sairam, dumbfounded.

"Sairam!" The other scout yelled, finally breaking the silence.

     Sairam had just realized the blunt and awkwardness of the question. He excused himself and walked towards the other scout. Well, he didn't say yes...He thought.

      Though everyone (except Farlan and Isabel) wanted to hear Levi's answer, they were occupied with (Y/N) who had started breathing heavily again seemingly because someone had taken Levi off of her forehead.

     The scouts had to get the thugs to the surface. But, (Y/N) couldn't walk very well. They had decided they would address her condition in a carriage that was waiting for them outside the exit to the surface. But, now they had to get her there. Even if they didn't know her name and she was a thug, the scouts and the thugs argued who would carry her. (Farlan and Isabel decided to leave it up to Levi or (Y/N) when to tell them her name.)

"I'll carry her." Erwin said.

     The unknown scout spoke up. "Squad leader, you can't stay vigilant while carrying someone on your back, let me! Also, let us juniors carry the burden!"

"No. The squad leader should carry an injured person." Erwin replied.

     "This is nonsense, I'll carry her! I probably would be the most comfortable and gentle." Sairam said. He may get his butt kicked for talking against a superior, but the exchange was deemed worthy.

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