24- Splitting Up and the Result

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Published 11/20/20

     The scouts were about an hour into the bad weather. It continued to pour and pour. Everything was soaked, except for the flares which were safely stored in bags. The horses and riders rode in mud, the grime occasionally coming up and splashing them, much to the siblings' disliking. A fog had begun to roll in a few minutes ago, causing the visibility to be even worse. A few times, the four had drifted off, but someone always was there to lead them back into the squad. However, what happens if all four of them fall behind at the same time?

"Hey!" Isabel shouted. "What are we gonna do?! We totally lost sight of everyone!"

     "All we can do is keep moving." Farlan told her. "I'm sure we haven't gotten to far from the rest of the squad. We just have to keep going forward blindly... and hope that this fog will clear up fast."

      Isabel whined. "But the way things are going now, the flares are gonna be useless no matter how much time passes!"

     "As long as squad leader Flagon's acoustic rounds still work, I bet we can find the others if we're lucky enough." Farlan informed her.

      (Y/N) was feeling uneasy. She couldn't pin why. Was it because they were separated from the others? The four of them were always together so it's not like it mattered a bunch... Could it be the fog? Maybe. It may make it hard to see any incoming titans. "Our scouting capacity is ruined... Our field of vision is a few meters at best. It's as if you can hear the titan's breaths from every direction." She thought aloud. Everyone was silent. It seemed they were also thinking the same thing.

     Farlan let out a small laugh. "Ah. This isn't looking too good, guys. If Erwin gets eaten up by the titan's, there's no way we can get our hands on those documents..." Well, maybe they'll crap it out. (Y/N) thought. "The only way to get them is to head for the center."

     The moment Farlan finished his explanation, an extremely loud noise echoed. It rang painfully through everyone's ears and it was not too far from them. "I heard an acoustic round! Is it from our squad?" (Y/N) asked.

     "Looks like it's not too far off." Farlan mentioned. "We can probably catch up with everyone but... Levi? (Y/N)?" He trailed off. The decision was up to them.

     Okay, let's think this through...(Y/N) strategized. If all three of us go, the rest of the squad will be in serious trouble. But if one of us goes alone, that person may not be able to find the others again. Which is the right choice? We have to choose now. We're running out of time. She closed her eyes. We're slowly falling away from our squad, as well. She went through her memories, they may help her with the decision.

Isabel saluting along with Sairam.

Farlan looking at her. There's no time to hesitate.

Erwin looking down at her.

She had her answer. What was Levi thinking?

Out of the blue, Levi spoke up. "I'm going alone. You three catch up with Flagon."

Pardon? (Y/N) thought.

"Hey..." Farlan started.

     "We'll get our hands on those documents. Besides..." He turned his head to face them. "The one who's going to kill him is me. I won't let a titan get to him first."

"...But!" Farlan yelled.

      (Y/N) growled. "There is no way I'm letting you go alone! I'm coming with you. If you go alone, in this fog, you won't be able to find us! We should split up evenly. You know, distribute our forces?"

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