51- Titan

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Written: 1/25 & 29/21

Published: 3/1/21


BIG QUESTION: Do you want Zeke to be a love interest? I can totally make him younger just as Levi, Erwin, Y/n, etc. were.

(Just out of curiosity, how did you guys find my story? What made you interested?)

The inhabitants of Wall Rose did as they were taught in drills preparing them for a second wall breach. They evacuated to the Underground city inside Wall Sina. As was predicted, the foot supplies that were meant to feed those still remaining over half of humanity... Wouldn't last most than a week. In other words, if Wall Rose was actually breached, humanity would enjoy only one more week of peace. If they were forced past that, the people would have to choose. Starve and die...or steal and live. Surrender everything or throw it all away. Confirmation that Wall Rose was still intact came one week after the crisis began. That was quite the relief for Y/n, who had tackled Wall Sina thieves everywhere.

Y/n, and her brother were sitting in a hospital room with commanders Pyxis and Erwin. Erwin was sitting upright in his bed and Pyxis sat on a nearby couch. Levi and Y/n both sat on a chair with their legs crossed.

"When we evicted the squatters who had been living in the Underground city...some of them clashed with the military police." Pyxis said. Y/n internally scoffed. She had been sent down there to keep some of them in line. Her being familiar with the place helped her take them down. It was really annoying how she had to handle it day in day out for a week. "There were no deaths, but it left a big impression on the people living side all of the walls. For a moment, they saw what would happen if the pot boiled over. Everyone got a first-hand reminder. If Wall Rose really falls, they'll have one week of respite before men begin killing each other again."

"I'm sorry Erwin." Levi said. "I know you've only just recovered enough to talk to us...but I understand if you'd rather go back to sleep than hear what we have to say."

Erwin looked at him. "No, I'm tired of sleeping. Please continue."

"It's too bad about your right arm." Y/n said.

Erwin looked at his bandaged arm. He then held a hand under it. "How many hundreds of men do you think I've sent out to be eaten by titans? One arm isn't nearly enough to make up for that. I hope I'll be able to pay back the rest when I end up dead."

"Sounds good..." Pyxis commented. "Mind if I come visit when we both are dead?"

"What's wrong, old man?" Levi said. "Giving up? Maybe you need another drink."

"Aye." Pyxis said. "It's the perfect time for a drink. Sadly, Anka took it all away from me. Of course, she says she won't change my diapers like a good mother should."

"Haha... I see you have an excellent aide by your side." Erwin laughed.

Pyxis nodded. "Indeed! But she doesn't quite amount to yours!"

"Mine?" Erwin asked.

Pyxis pointed to Y/n. "Y/n here is the perfect aide! I'm jealous..."

Erwin awkwardly nodded. Y/n put a hand to her forehead. Levi wished he could punch him. However, he was a superior. A knock on the door was heard. "It's Hanji. Come in." Y/n was relieved to hear Hanji's burns had seemingly healed.

Hanji did so and Y/n saw Connie behind her. "Good to see you awake, sir." She greeted. Her and Connie saluted. "So you were here all along, Commander Pyxis. Perfect timing. I'm here to report on the recent incident. This is-"

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