77- Negligence

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Written: 8/1/21

Published: 8/3/21

(When school starts again, please don't be surprised if I'm unable to publish. This coming school year, I am taking Honors Algebra and Honors Chemistry with the understanding those classes need much attention in the first place.)

(This summer was not long enough to get my situation sorted out...)

Y/n sat in a room with Armin, Mikasa, Jean, and Connie. Connie was standing by the window, looking at the unknown. Probably nothing, really. Mikasa sat on a chair alone. Jean sank into the couch he vacated. Y/n sat beside Armin and looked at her hands. They were astoundingly rough. Worked to the bone each day ever since her childhood which was equally as rough. Many would call it unwomanly to have hands or a body such as Y/n's.

The atmosphere was tense. No one dared speak to each other or glance at one another. They all knew each others feelings on a certain matter that was heavy to bring up.

Jean sighed as he rest his head on the back of the couch. "To think that general Pyxis would even put that plan into motion." He commented.

"They said that everything had been decided while we were in Marley." Armin told. "The volunteers would be pensioned their own areas, and they had not told the survey corps the circumstances, as the time for them and us to be in union is close by..."

"They couldn't have done it like that..." Jean disagreed. "Until Zeke's intent has been verified, we are all currently in danger. And Eren, who talked with Zeke exclusively. Is now in huge favor of Zeke's plan. I wonder what they talked about. Only they know the truth."

"Hey." Connie spoke out of the blue. Everyone remained still. HIs voice was eerie. It lacked the usual playfulness or neutral tone. Instead, it was solemn, maybe even empty. "To you guys........ Did that seem like Eren?"

Mikasa and Armin looked at him now.

"I don't think so." Connie continued. "That bast*** isn't Eren. If he ends up... cooperating with the other side..."

"If he does, what?" Mikasa asked.

"We should be resolved to cut down the bast***." Connie informed.

Mikasa's countenance darkened. "I won't be staying still if that's the case." She argued. Connie finally turned to look at them. His face was even darker than the asian's. One might have mistaken it for anger... Maybe it really was.

A moment of silence passed before Connie spoke once more. "Are you... Also going to side with them, Mikasa?"

The said girl looked at him in uncertainty before her gaze fell. "I'm not going to." She answers. "Eren treasured us... More than anyone else. One year ago..." They all knew what she referred to. She mentioned that sweltering day outside where they worked on the railroad. Where they discussed Eren's inheritor. "Eren will take care of us. So that's why he might have become more aggressive towards everyone else. I guess... Because that's how strongly he feels. That's why."

"You're saying it's all for our sake?" Jean asked. "That's not it. In the past, even knowing how strong you were, that guy always made sure to keep you at a distance when titans were on the frontline. But now... He asked Armin to destroy the port and summoned everyone to the battlefield. As well as Connie, Sasha, and Y/n who were supposedly special to him."

"That's..." Mikasa started. "That must be because he had faith in us. If we didn't turn up, he wouldn't have been able to do anything."

"If we hadn't gone, Sasha wouldn't have been shot, either." Connie argued, a little annoyedly. "Mikasa. When Eren was informed of Sasha's severe, uncertain injury, do you know how he reacted? Do you think he cried? Or got angry?"

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