Armin Ending!

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(I wrote Armin's ending because it seemed the easiest. I will keep the others' coming! I want to make the endings extra special and unique to each character!)

Also please comment what you like and don't like so I can know what to include in other endings

Y/n yawned and stretched out her arms. Levi was just a couple of feet over at the door, flipping the closed sign. The clock minute hand was a little past the ninth hour. He let out a sigh and approached the counter. He hunched over and took a quick sip of the tea. Y/n raised an eyebrow at him.

"Levi, you know what I'm about to say." Y/n warned.

He closed his eyes and put his hand up in confirmation. He was still supposed to get at least a full nine hours of sleep everyday with a proper schedule at proper daylight time. Of course, Levi was annoyed he could not get as much done as he could on a three hour sleep schedule. But after a disappointed countenance from his younger sister, he obliged to it. Currently, Y/n was going to tell him not to drink tea at the time.

"... Just a little sip." Levi insisted.

Y/n frowned with a look that said, "Don't even try it." She held her hand down with her fingers angled down. He groaned a little and set the handle-less cup on the counter. Y/n gave a cheeky and gave a thumbs up. Levi turned away and tched.

He straightened himself and cracked his back. Beginning to walk towards their temporary shared room, Levi yawned. "That means you get to close up." He said before sliding the door behind them.

The h/c haired young woman scoffed. "Fine, then!"

Y/n wiped the counters and each of the tables. The e/c eyed woman also carefully and delicately polished the table ware and tea cups. As she was about the set the final one down on the table...


Y/n jolted, startled. The tea cup flew out of her hands. Thankfully, before it hit the ground, she caught the inside of it with her clothed toe. After a sigh of relief, Y/n glared at whoever made the obnoxious noise.

"We're closed- Eren and Mikasa?" Y/n raised a brow. She pointed a finger at the brunette. "Hey, why are you out and about? And with no handcuffs or anything, too?"

Eren raised his hands innocently. "Don't worry. Mikasa's making sure of that." He shuddered. Eren mouthed the words 'Help me' to the former captain.

"Anyways, what'd you come here for?" Y/n asked, ignoring Eren's plea.

Mikasa dug in her skirt pocket. She pulled out a slip of paper. "We were told to give you this."

"By who?"

Mikasa was about to open her mouth to answer, but Eren promptly covered her mouth with his hand. He grinned nervously. "It was an anonymous request. Don't open it now, though. Open it tomorrow."

Y/n gave him a suspicious look as she took the folded slip. She nestled it in her pocket. Turning to the two, she gave a small grin. "Would you like a drink before you leave? I could heat up a quick cup for you."

"I'd love to!" Eren replied merrily, grinning ear to ear.

Mikasa placed a hand on his shoulder. "I should get him back."

Eren frowned. "Aw man."

Mikasa escorted the brunette out of the peaceful tea shop. Y/n heard the sliding door into her and her brother's room open with a shfffff. Y/n turned to see Levi with a hunter green T-shirt and gray sweatpants.

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