13- That Egoistical Squad Leader

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Published 11/20/20

     The Quartet had decided to take the job. They thought they would first take one last look from the pond with the small amount of sunlight. From the gap in the ceiling of the Underground, they could see birds flying out of view.

     "Where do you think they're going?" Isabel wondered aloud. Her hair had fortunately grown back. Recently, she had been putting it in a ponytail that didn't really fit her. It was a relief when it had reached the proper length.

     "Somewhere far away... Somewhere past the wall if they wanted. A place we couldn't even reach with our gear." Farlan said.

"Yeah! But just you wait. We'll get there someday, just like we promised!" (Y/N) said, looking at Farlan.

"Hey, that's my line, (Y/N)!" Isabel said.

      "Nuh uh..." The h/c haired girl responded.



      "Would you two cut it out..?" Farlan sighed. He was done with their crazy crap.

Levi looked up. He would get up there with them. "Let's go." The four got up and left their spot they had been to so many times.

As they were walking, all sorts of people looked at them. They knew their reputation. Who would not? They were like the thug in that ancient story of Robin Hood- that is, without the manners. 

     Levi bumped into a man. The man screamed. "Gahhhh! My arm! It hurts! Hey! Come back here!" He yelled at the four who continued walking. "I'm talking to you! Stupid little runt! You gonna apologize for bumping into someone?" No answer, just the figures getting slightly smaller. "You deaf or somethin'?!"

Isabel turned her head. "That guy back there was trying to swindle us."

The man was even more angry now. He pulled a gun out. A guy nearby hurriedly warned him. "Hey! Just let it go... You don't wanna go against-" That guy was interrupted.

"You want me to blow a hole in your head?" The man asked threateningly. At least, the bystanders thought so. The four stopped walking. The ash haired male heaved a sigh and shrugged.

"We don't have time for this nonsense..." Farlan said. His face looked bored.

"Well, it may be a good warm up." Isabel said.

     (Y/N) grabbed her devices. She placed her fingers in the correct slots. She swiftly turned around and pulled the top trigger. The gear shot anchors into a stack of barrels behind the man. She reeled the wire in, pulled the barrel with it, hitting the man. The man aimed his gun at the girl. She and Levi dodged the bullet he had fired. They jumped to the ceiling with the aid of their gear. They pushed off the ceiling hard, planning to land on the man's shocked face. Unfortunately, the Ackermanns only hit the man in the chest with their feet. Though it was not exactly their target, the man still collapsed, air knocked out of him. Levi had just looked down at the man.

"Now, next up, is that big oaf." Levi said nonchalantly, stepping down from the man.

(Y/N) took another kick into the man's stomach before stepping down to follow the others.

      "Yeah, get it, Y/n!" The auburn haired girl cheered.

     The crowd was familiar with the two thugs so it wasn't uncommon to see the two siblings hit someone unconscious every now and then. They also knew the auburn and ash blond were friends and comrades with the two. However, there was two blonds in the crowd today who had never seen their skills in person. One of them had a small mustache and goatee with his blond hair separating right above his forehead. The other had ice blue eyes and his blond hair was kept neatly parted on the left side. He also had very noticeable thick and bushy eyebrows. The two blonds had heard of the infamous quartet. This just proves the thugs' outstanding skills. As the quartet was walking away, Mr. Eyebrows caught the glances of the two thugs he had been focusing on. The beautiful girl was smiling at them which surprised the blond. She had a great smile. She had similar physical characteristics as to the boy next to her. Both were fairly short and cursed their biological characteristics. The boy had short black hair cut in an undercut and piercing eyes. He was sending the blond an intimidating look. Don't even think about it you scumbag. it said. The male smiled at Levi.

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