4- What Are Handles?

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Published 11/20/20

Just a fun extra chapter

     Levi and (Y/N) were walking through the streets. Their knives that were given to them by Kenny were secured in their pockets. The two had made sure to make something that would allow them to carry the knives in their pockets without stabbing themselves. They had gotten a bit of money from swinging some deals just like Kenny had taught them. The children didn't really know there was a world above them so they did not save the money unless needed.

     The two Ackermanns have always had a liking to tea. But seeing as it was so expensive, the children and their passed mother could rarely get any. Now, the children finally had the money. But what do they spend it on?

      "Clothes." Said (Y/N).

      "Food." Said Levi.

      "A house." (Y/N) suggested.

      "That's way too much, dummy." Levi replied, ruffling her head. They laughed until the same idea had popped into their heads.

     "Tea!" They both said, looking at each other. They smiled, and got up from where they were sitting. They made their way to a shopping area. People were unloading boxes and handing them to the shopkeepers. Some were on guard for any thieves who may run in. It was quite common for it to happen. The boy and girl saw a lady had various teas on display.

     "Uh. Excuse me... Is this enough for tea?" Levi said bravely, placing some coins on the table.

      The woman looked down at them. The money was actually a bit short. She was appalled at the age of the siblings. Children these days are so strong and brave... She thought. But that is what you need to be when you live here... She remembered the two children were staring at her, nervously awaiting her answer.

     "Oh! Yes! Of course. What kind of tea would you like?" She asked.

     The two looked at each other, slightly gaping. Neither knew much about tea except it was good, expensive, and rare. (Y/N) looked at the woman and put her fingers on the table, on her tip toes. "Do you have any suggestions?"

     These two are adorable... The woman thought. "Ah! Yes, of course. For you kids, I would suggest black tea." She grabbed a small box of said tea and handed it to them. The box contained two bags of black tea. Thinking of children who live in the Underground, they need to be vigilant and alarmed. Black tea may give them the energy to do that. They smiled at her and took off running.

     The two kids ran back to their old house. Their mom was still there, since word hadn't gotten out yet. They were just here to get some tea cups. They had drunk tea once before so they knew they had the proper cups for it somewhere. They split up to search the house when (Y/N) heard Levi calling her.

"I found them, (Y/N). They seem old, but they will work." He called. "Here, give me the bags."

     She rushed over and handed him the tea bags. They had recently gotten water from a pond and accidentally left the bucket in the light. The light had warmed the liquid enough to make the tea brew. The two children watched as the liquid changed from clear to a very dark brown close to black color.

"You think it's ready?" (Y/N) asked.

"I'm not sure... Guess we should try it." Levi replied.

     Levi took the bucket and poured the tea into the aged cups. They both took the cups by the handles. They brought it to their mouths when they felt something crack. Nothing touches their lips except their fingers. Both of them looked down, to see the painful sight that lay before them. The handle had broken off and the liquid had already drained through the floor. (Y/N)'s frowned while Levi just stared blankly at the floor where the tea had once been. Levi turned to his sister.

"When we get free from this place, would you want to have a tea shop with me?"

      "Yeah, of course!" She said, picking up the shattered cup pieces as she talked. "And we'll sell tea cups with no handles because those obviously can't be trusted."

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