31- Checkup

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Written 12/4/20 (and a bit other days)

Published: 12/8/20

A/N: Thank you so much for sticking around this long guys! Honestly, I just expected like 3 viewers for this so this makes me extremely excited people are interested. Anyway, onto the story.

     (Y/n) was riding to the training grounds again. She hoped the four were doing great. Sitting in silence was irritating her. Her thoughts wandered to her deceased friends.

      (Y/N) got out of the carriage and this time it was in front of the barracks. Petra, Eld, Oluo, and Gunter were outside waiting for her.

      "How did you know I was coming?" She asked.

     "Shadis informed our grade that you would be checking in occasionally." Petra informed.

      "We're glad you're here." Gunter said.

      "Shadis is having us do hand to hand combat today." Eld said.

     Oluo pointed at (Y/N). "Yeah, and I want to have everyone witness me beating you!"

     (Y/N) gave a death look. "Oh. Bozad, I see I'm going to have to give a proper lesson and knock that ego down to size. It can get you killed sometimes." She said ominously.

      The four flinched. Well, that's Humanities Strongest for you. They all thought.

     All of the cadets gathered in a circle which was also a line to spar against humanities strongest. The four cadets she was familiar with were the first in line, of course.

Round 1: Petra

      Petra charged at the soldier. Reading her form, Y/n ducked and avoided a punch and kicked Petra's back, knocking her off balance. When she regained it, she stood in a defensive position, waiting for the other girl to come. Y/n charged at the girl the same way Petra did at her. But being skilled as she is, her movements showed no hint to her plan. Petra decided to chance it and threw a punch. Y/n ducked low and punched Petra in the stomach, causing her to fall to her knees.

Round 2: Gunter

      Y/n and Gunter faced each other. Gunter ran in and tackled the girl. The girl instantly had a plan for this. The boy struggled to try and pin her down. Once he finally had her pinned, everyone realized he was extremely out of breath while the girl let out a quick huff. What the heck is that stamina? Everyone wondered. The girl brought her knee up to the boy's stomach and flipped the positions, her on top of him.

Round 3: Eld

     Y/n knew Eld was probably one of the smartest out of his year. She patiently waited to see his first move. Eld observed how she fought in the other matches. She used her opponents moves against them and found a weakness in the move. What could be a movement that could completely restrict her? Ah. He got it. It's treating her like a criminal, but it could work. The blonde charged at her.He threw a feint punch and she fell for it. She avoided the fake punch and Eld swept her legs since she could not stop her momentum. Her being caught off guard, Y/n braced for impact on the ground. The dirt got caught up in her eyes and mouth, making her gag. Eld turned her on her back and put her arms behind her back and had another hand on her neck. Legs holding legs. Y/n laughed at his attempt. She turned her head and bit Eld's hand, causing him to retract slightly, but more than enough for her to whip her head into his, causing him to stumble. She then "lightly" punched Eld in the forehead, causing him to fall down, unmoving for a few moments.

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