14-Pursuit and Getting Captured!

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Published 11/20/20

The four was out with their gear. Might as well get some training and last views in the Underground while they can. They felt like any moment the scouts would come down to retrieve/capture them. They weren't on edge for nothing either.

A loud bang echoed throughout the Underground. A rock nearby that had been covering a hole that lead to the surface was destroyed. Four figures emerged from the opening. They all were dressed the same. The military uniforms that (Y/N) had seen on Erwin and Mike. She wondered if two of the figures were them. She could not tell because all of them wore green cloaks that covered their face. Part of a crest was visible on the cloak. It had some blue and white but the rest was undistinguishable.

"Hey guys, we got company!" Farlan yelled. The other two looked back, now aware of the the four chasing them. "There are four people, fifty meters back. They sure are a hardworking bunch, to be out at an hour like this, I'll give them that. There are surprisingly few of them today." Farlan said, still observing the four.

    Y/n's eyes narrowed in an attempt to get a better look. They moved differently than most MPs. Farlan, I don't think-" (Y/N) had started before being interrupted by Isabel.

"The military police again, huh? Those guys never learn..." She trailed off. That was pretty cool Isabel. You aren't trying to impress Le- "Hey, Big Bro! Dontcha think what I said just now was really cool?" She asked. I take my words back. The other female thought, a smile forming.

    Levi looked back. "Are you a moron?"

"Well, what do we do? We can't have 'em chase us all the way back to our hideout like this..." Farlan mentioned.

"What a pain..." (Y/N) said. A few moments of silence lingered. What do we do? We could maybe try to outrun them... Or we could try to lose them in the town. There is no way I'm fighting someone with a small knife...Do Farlan and Isabel even carry weapons? (Y/N) went through their options.

    "Farlan." Levi called from beside her.

    "Yeah...?" He replied from behind.

    "Isabel." Levi called again, still looking forward.

    "Yeah!" She replied also from behind.

    He paused to look at (Y/N). "(Y/N)." She nodded at him. "Let's go." He sped ahead. The other three quickly caught up with him.

They flew into a market. Several people had saw the well-known thugs and moved out of their way. Others were not so lucky. The four shot their wires into a bridge that hung over a section of the market. They swung under the bridge like they were on a swing. Levi, Farlan, and (Y/N) had let go to swing themselves forward without using so much gas. Isabel, However, had propelled herself by pushing off of a man's back.

    "Outta the way! Outta the way!" She yelled.

The four moved away from the practically demolished market. Food and supplies as well as humans were scattered around the ground. A few angry yells made their way to the thugs.

Farlan had looked back. "Hey! Those guys are still coming after us." The people had emerged from the bridge and were gaining ground. "And they're getting closer!" He said.

Isabel had also looked back. "They ain't half bad for stinkin' pigs... Looks like their pretty serious on catching us today..." She said.

    "Isabel. I don't think these guys are the military police." (Y/N) said.

Isabel and Farlan had missed (Y/N)'s comment. "Did they run out of things to do up there and decide to start hunting us in the Underground? They should stick to their real job, like wiping the King's butt. This is such a pain..." Farlan said.

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