(6) Eccedentesiast

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"Poor girl."

The nurse's hands were careful, gentle as she navigated the ragged clothes off my shoulders.

I was surprised, unfamiliar with how delicate her touch had been. It was uncomfortable but better than what I'd receive before.

I observed the room. Cold, it was; the air conditioning the room freezing everything to where I felt the drop in temperature.

Bumps surfaced on my skin, chills running down violently quick.

She sighed, her hands rubbing together before patting my skin. "You're going to freeze. Oh, honey, I wish you hadn't gone through this." She'd seen ranges of abuse, none reaching the severity she noticed on me.

The quote goes 'After rain comes a rainbow' yet after my drizzle came a storm. There was a spiral, a never-ending path of horrors that became inescapable.

As her treatment continued, she'd kept the tempo and pressure light, stamping over the purple splotches in my skin, wiping away every crust and drip of blood that'd been apparent.

It just had to be me.

Born into a family where joy turned into torture. Where being let out of my room was an honor and seeing the sunlight was a blessing.

Because to my father, I would never learn to grow strong without pain. But he stepped over that line many times.

My value to him was much different than the value of a daughter to a father. I was a weapon to his plans.

"Come on, sweetie. Let's get you dressed." Her voice was soothing, almost like my mother.

She protected me. Took care of Senya and me whenever she could, though success was not always in her favor.

Since birth, life had always been on the opposite side of the spectrum. I was destined for the grave, flowers already prepared to be laid.

All because of my father.

His ideas were wicked, laced with his fate of power and only power. No love was in his heart, not a single drop. If pity were to even strike his soul, I'd be the day he saw his death.

The words he'd spoken to me were tattooed into my mind, their curves and edges scraping holes of where they'd live.


"If you live, I'll find you."

"This all happened because of you."

"You will forever be at fault."

Why was it that the man that was supposed to be my first fatherly love the one that nearly killed me?

It took my life and hers for them to help. For someone to save us...

And I couldn't forgive anyone for that.


"He's flying away!"

Our group turned their heads, eyes aimed toward where Midoriya and his group had flown to their escape.

"Grrrr!" Bakugou's throat gurgled, vibrating till the deep growl escaped his mouth. "Don't let him out of your sight!"

"Their distance will only grow. Our best option would be grabbing other headbands while we wait for them to land." I suggested, my eyes squinting toward the sky they'd disappeared into. It was only a matter of time until they would come back to the ground. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙐𝙨Where stories live. Discover now