Soulmate AU pt. 2

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9,201 words! Holy wow this took longer than expected, mainly cause this was originally planned as a one shot and had a hard time coming up with more story ;_;

But Anyway please enjoy!

Katsuki Bakugo

"Quit following me you damn loser!" He huffed picking up his pace to get away from you.

"Bitch your not special! I'm going home!" You growled.

Surprise surprise your little plan of trying to avoid each other didn't work. You both had the same bus route to school and you even lived in the same neighborhood, so there was no way you two wouldn't see each other at least once per day.

"Well walk on the other side of the street you army brat!"

"You don't own the damn street you freaking-eh!" You shivered as the cold finally set in.

It was winter and Your uniform was pretty thin and didn't have much insulation, and you weren't allowed to wear jackets and coats either because you were the general's daughter, you're supposed to handle it.

Your body on the other hand didn't cooperate and you were now a shivering mess as you walked to the bus stop where Bakugo cozily stood in his coat and scarf.

"Goddamn it, it wasn't supposed to snow today..." You shivered to yourself.

"The hell didn't you bring a jacket?" Asked Bakugo.

You were the only two at the stop and the silence annoyed him.

"Psh, yeah, and why don't I just carve little bitch on my forehead while I'm at it?" You rolled your eyes, "as if I don't get enough shit from my family..."

"What does that even mea-" He stopped as the ringing of your phone cut him off.

"Crap..." You cursed retrieving your phone from your pocket and answering it, "Hello father..."

"Why aren't you home yet?" He swiftly asked.

"I, sir, the bus seems to be running late-"

"Bus?" He asked.

You normally walked home but because of the weather, there was no way that would happen.

"Y-yes sir, the storm appears to be coming in earlier than usual, I'll arrive him promptly." Your voice sounded calm and respectful but your demeanor looked fearful and sad. Bakugo looked on as you griped your phone tightly to your ear as your father chastised you for not being able to get home on time.

"Yes sir...I understand...I'll be home in 5 minutes exactly..." You promised, but there was no way that could happen.

The normal walk home took 30 minutes, and if you sprinted you could get there in 10. It would take even longer in this blizzard but you had t get it done, your father accepted no excuses.

"Don't be late." was all he said then hung up.

"The bus isn't getting here anytime soon ya know," Bakugo spoke up.

"I don't need to use the bus, I'm not some weakling like you." You glared at him then tightened the strap on your backpack and boots.

"Your dumbass doesn't plan on walking home do you?" He looked at you like you were the dumbest person on earth.

"No, I'm gonna run," You said in a duh tone as you tied your hair up in a bun, "If I keep my body temperature up and constant I'll make it, besides...why do you care?" You looked up at him skeptically.

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