You Get Kidnapped Pt. 2: The Rescue

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Katsuki Bakugo

You awoke feeling sore and locked in a metal cage. 

"Aw shit." You groaned while sitting up on the floor.

The memories of yesterday flooded your memories, every excruciating detail; you had been kidnapped. Yo tried getting up but the soreness in your body kept you back down, well, that and the chains bounding your arms.

"Sleep well, princess?" Said a smug mad from outside your cage. 

"Actually..." You spoke up, "this service is absolutely terrible, Imma needs to have a word with your manager," though your voice was hoarse from yesterday, you still had the strength to make a snarky comeback.

"Oh you are just a delight to have," His face twisted into a wicked smirk, "I think I'll have a bit more fun..." He opened your cage and stepped in menacingly. 

"Touch me and you die." You glared but because you were so tired you couldn't really fulfill your threat. 

"Oh please, and who's gonna stop me, you?" He laughed. "Oh wait, maybe your brothers or that dorky ass loud guy that threatened to kill me." He laughed. 

"That's Bakugo, my boyfriend, and if you think he won't then you're dumber than I thought," You rolled your eyes. 

"Oh, I'm gonna enjoy breaking you..." He cracked his knuckles.

He kicked you to the floor and got on top of you. 

"H-Hey!" You tried fighting him but because you were still tired and your hands were tied, you couldn't do much.

"What the hell! Get offa me!"  You couldn't scream so it came out like a whimper. You just had to do everything in your power to get him off. You even tried using your quirk but it was weak because of your fatigue.

"Shut up!" He growled then wrapped his hands around your neck.

Once you actually landed a hit on him that drew blood, he got angry, "you bitch," he was about to hit you so you winced and braced for the impact. 

But it never came. 

Instead, the man's weight was lifted off of you in a rather swiftly and forceful way. 

You were slightly confused but then someone's voice caused you to open your eyes. 

"Get up you lazy ass." He smirked while seeing your shocked expression. 

"...Bakugo?..." You whimpered, was it really him? "Bakugo!" You cried and rushed to hug him.

"I-I can't believe you came..." tears ran down your face as he used his quirk to break your bounds.

"Well if you weren't so stupid I wouldn't have to in the first place." He grumbled in playful annoyance, but in all honesty, he was really glad he found you, and it really boosted his ego that you were clutching onto him like a damsel in distress. 

"I know...I just...I'm so glad you actually came for me..." You kissed his cheek causing him to blush, "you're my hero..."

"Y-yeah well, d-don't be so clumsy next time, I got more important things to worry about..." He tried playing off but his blush became brighter and brighter, "a-and I don't need you to add to that, ya got it?" e tried sounding threatening but his nervous stuttering wasn't helping. It also didn't help that he had his arms wrapped around you tightly, almost as if he never wanted to let you go.

"Yeah..." You smiled while snuggling up to him, "I got it." 

He carried you out the cage and you passed by many bodies on your way, "there's no way you took out all these guys by yourself..." You looked around while he carried you in his arms.

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