Fight! Fight! Fight! Pt. 1.5 💢👊

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A/N: Ok so I might have gotten carried away at first this was gonna be a preview of pt. 2, now it's a whole part by itself...I'll be having multiple parts for this scenario 😅

Izuku Midoriya

"You idiot..." you cried, "you selfish idiot!"

"*BANG!*" an explosion freed you from your bounds.

"Get up...." Growled Bakugo.

"What are you going here?"

"Clearly you need my help!" He held his hand out, "come on let's go get that dork... and kick his ass..."

"Right..." you nodded and took his hand as he helped you up. "But we're gonna need a bit of back up..." you added, "there's no doubt that Midoriya is gonna be in deep trouble when we find him...."

"The hell are you talking about!? That nerd couldn't possibly..." he then stopped himself, "you know what...he totally would..." he grimaced. "I'll call roch head and man hands..." he took out his phone.

"I don't think that'll be enough... Hes going after the liberation army, there's no way they won't be ready for him and us...I think I have an idea..."

"With a little help from a few friends from the other side..." you smirked.

Katsuki Bakugo

"*Huff*... *huff*... *huff*..." You were finally able to catch your breath.

You didn't know what was going on, your senses were numbed. The only thing you could focus on was catching your breath.

Why were you so exhausted? Why can't you focus on anything? Where were you?

As your breathing stabilized, some of your other senses returned.
You could feel a substance that coated your hands and arms. You couldn't identify what it was but you knew one thing... it wasn't from your quirk. The substance was warm but that wasn't the thing you were focused on, what really caught your attention was what you were clinging to in one of your hands.

It was small and you clung onto it as if your life depended on it. It wasn't as warm as what your arms were covered it but it was soft, round...and squishy.


Your hearing finally returned and you could hear the wailing of a girl. She sounded like she was writhing in pain.

"THATS ENOUGH Y/N!" you could hear B/1, your oldest brother yell.

He sounded frightened, sorrowful even. He also sounded really close but you could not see not sense him anywhere near you. All you could feel was a slight pressure in your arm that didn't hold the round object.


Was he crying?

What was he talking about? You weren't doing anything, why was he shouting at you?

"Stop it Y/n!" you could hear your brothers, a bit farther away, shout.

What the hell was going on? Why couldn't you see them? Why did they sound so worried?

Why can't you remember anything!?

You were getting scared. You didn't like this feeling and you just wanted someone to help you.

"Y/n..." Bakugo's voice ringed out.

His unusually calm tone made you focus on his voice out of all the chaos and screaming around you.

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