Villains: Iida

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*Requested by: Santangelo13*

I wanted to put this in the previous villain's scenario but it got too long.

This took SO MANY rewrites! DX

Mini recap: He took over your mother's crime syndicate. 

*Heavy Breathing*

Your feet hurt like hell, it felt like you stepped in broken glass as your feet splashed in little puddles while running through the rain. It was a storm, and it was your salvation because it was loud enough to help you escape your house without getting caught.

Why were you running? 

Well, you just found out some dangerous information about you and your family. You were pregnant. You were so in shock that you quickly fled your house. You wanted to leave for a while now but this new information gave you the courage to finally do something about it. You would never allow your children to experience the life you were living.

Living with Iida was suffocating yet isolating, cold yet warm, safe but so very very dangerous. To put things into perspective your mother willingly stepped down as head to give it to your husband, so yes, you were very frightened of him. When you first met, he wore his heart on his sleeve, super sweet and nice, was the perfect gentlemen and you loved him dearly. However, now he's become a cold unfeeling monster and you felt 100% at fault for his downfall. 

When you were first dating, he knew your family were villains but knew you'd never fall down that path and wanted to be with you, no matter how hard you pushed him away. You didn't want such an innocent and promising soul to be associated and ostracised by society with you, it wouldn't be fair to him. For a while, you thought things would be different and he'd actually stay by your side and not get hurt or damaged in any sort of way by your family but unfortunately, your life wasn't a fairytale and someone else help the pen to your story. 

He loved you, and thanks to your mother that love became toxic. You refused to leave him though because at that time you loved him too, which was why you agreed to marry him, you still wanted to love and protect him from your family but the more time he spent with them, the colder and more unfeeling he became. 

He still loved you though, that he made very clear with the various presents he sent you while on long business trips, the amount of physical affection and attention he gave you on his 'days off', and the suffocating level of cameras and guards around your house for your 'safety'. 

So yes, though you didn't know where you were running too in the heavy rain, at least you knew you were way safer out here than in that house. You continued to run, faster and faster, no care if yod slap and get hurt or if a car would hit you while running in the middle of the road, or even if your feet felt like jelly, you continued to run even faster and harder than you even though was possible out of a desperate attempt to distance yourself from your house and husband.  


But you knew all too well that no matter how fast you ran, hed always find you. 

"What are you doing out this late? It's cold...come inside..."

A car had pulled up beside you as you ran seemingly out of nowhere, your husband was in the back seat with the window rolled down so he could talk to you. 

"!" You defied him which was a huge pet peeve of his. You know this all too well, which was why you tried running vainly faster in an attempt to get away from him. Yet the car continued to follow beside you with your apathetic staring you down. 

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