Purge Victors: Hawks & Dabi Pt. 1

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How you met 

Keigo Takami (Hawks)

B/f - Best friend

F/f - Fiance

Yall are either gonna love or hate y/n in this....so...be prepared.

"Wow y/n..." Gushed your bridesmaids, "You look amazing Y/n!" One of them praised.

"If only the groom were here to see it." Said another with a bit venom in her voice. Her anger was justified though, the wedding was supposed to begin an hour ago and your groom was nowhere to be found.

"Yeah for real Y/n, why isn't he here yet?" Asked another friend in concern.

"Probably out-" Your pissy fried aka your maid of honor/best friend since kindergarten had been silenced by another bridesmaid. 

Your friends never liked your fiance, ever since you introduced him to them they had always been skeptical of him, your best friend, in particular, hated his guts but you always thought it was because she was your best friend and that was basically her job.

"Well, he is a doctor..." You nervously defending your fiance's tardiness. "Always on call you know," you shrugged and gave a small chuckle, "I'm sure he's on his way now."

"Then call him..." Said B/f. 

"Huh?" You felt caught off guard, your fiance never liked it whenever you called him during work and you made sure to not upset him as much as you could. 

"You heard me, call his ass, better yet let me-" She reached for your phone but you quickly snatched it away. 

"No!" You panicked holding your phone close to your chest, "I-I'll do it..." You slowly opened your phone and called your fiance. 

"Put him on speaker." Grumbled B/f. 

You almost felt relieved that he didn't pick up but then she told you to call him again. It took 3 more calls for him to finally pick up. 

"Y/n?" He sounded out of breath and tired. 

"O-oh, h-hey honey, are you busy?" You asked worryingly pissing off your friend. "I-its ok, I can call back later!" You blurted nervously.

"Bitch are you serious?" She whispered to you in disbelief, trying to take the hone from you to talk to him herself but you quickly backed away from her. 

"Uh, y-yeah, what is it?" He asked in a slightly annoyed. 

"Oh, well, I just wanted to know when you'd get here, cause ... uh, you know...its kind of our wedding day..." You clenched the phone so tightly you thought you were going to break it. 

"Oh, yeah, Was that today? My bad babe I forgot." You heard him give a low chuckle. 

"Did this motherfucker just say he forgot?" Asked B/f getting angrier. At this point, your other bridesmaids had to hold her back even though they wanted to speak up too. 

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