Creature Features!😈 (AU)

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A/N: This was supposed to come after the 'When You Die' scenario as filler but I really don't need that much angst right now ;-;

*Requested by: Yasumi8*

If you were a mythical creature

Izuku Midoriya

He first saw you a few weeks ago at the beach. You were far into the deeper part of the water. All by yourself but you were so beautiful and so enhancing that he eventually worked up the courage to ask you out.

He waited for you to get out of the water but you never did. You always stayed in the dark and deep parts of the sea. You were so far out that regular swimmers and surfers couldn't reach you, especially since you were near a high wave area.

However one day he got his chance.
There was a storm coming that day and no one went in the water... But you were still there.

The tides were high and the currents were rough, yet you stayed in the water.

"Is she crazy?" asked an onlooker.

"She's gonna drown!" said another person in shock.

You were trying to go further into the sea but the waves kept pushing you further ad further to the shore.

Midori ya say you struggling and on instinct dove into the water and swam to save you.

"H-Hey!" he tried calling out to you but the closer he got the more he struggled against the current.

"S-Stay back!" you shouted in fear.

No one ever came to you so you were incredibly shocked to see that he got this far. Your parents warned you not to stay too close to humans but you were so curious that you just had to disobey.

Now karma car to collect cause you were about to get discovered by a hot that just wanted to help you.

"We need to get out of the water, this storm is gonna get a lot worse!" He tried grabbing you put you pulled away.

"I said stay back!" you screamed but accidentally sent a tide his way. "Look out!" you cried but it was too late, he was swept up in the current.

"No!" you were so panicked that you dove underneath the water to rescue him. He must have been knocked unconscious cause he was limp in your arms. Still, you seam him to an isolated part of the shore.

You were going to leave him lying there but you were so entranced by his face that you couldn't look away. You were never this close to a human before. He was so handsome that fly subconsciously leaned down and kissed his cheek.

Instantly your tail turned into legs; freaking you out.

"Wha-AH!" you screamed and Midoriya woke up.

"Wha-what happened!?" he coached up some water and looked at you "a-are you ok!?"

"What are these!?" you screamed while looking at your legs.

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