Chapter 6

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Rider's POV

I get a little clammy and start following him. "Like I have anything to hide," I say.

"You're really weird," he says. "You're hiding something. We all are."

"I'm not weird," I defend. "I'm different."

"More like indifferent," he mumbles.

"You don't even know what that word means," I scoff.

"Do too!" he yells.

We arrive at the house. We walk in. I see the four boys, Danielle, and Paul sitting together in the living room. All their heads shoot up as the door slams closed.

"Where were you?" questions Paul. "It's 11pm!"

"I was finding the runaway bridezilla," I say.

"I was dealing with The Indifferent Scarlett Marie Johnson!" he says, sarcastic enthusiasm.

"Dani, you need a ride home?" I ask.

"No, it's fine," she says. "Liam's going to take me."

"Alright," I say. I plop my butt on the couch.

I see Dani and Liam walk out. The remaining lot of us- Paul, Louis, Zayn, Niall, Harry, and myself- sit on the couch.

"How's Danielle?" asks Louis.

"Better," says Niall. "But we don't know who this mystery girl is. Danielle wouldn't tell us a thing."

"I saw her," says Louis. "I can give you a description."

"What are you waiting for?" asks Zayn.

"You saw her, Scarlett," says Louis. "Why don't you tell them?"

"Louis, leave Scarlett alone," instructs Paul. "Go upstairs if you're going to be like that."

"Fine," says Louis. "Scarlett saved Danielle."

They all start laughing. "Listen Lou, if this is the best prank you can pull, you better hit the books," says Niall, holding in laughs.

The front door opens and Liam walks in. He sits down.

"I recorded it," says Louis.

I knew I was being watched! I should've been more careful. But, then again, I was saving someone. Louis is just an ass.

Louis plugs his phone into his laptop. He presses play on the video. Everyone crowds around.

I stand there, hiding the knife behind my back.

"Is there a problem?" I question.

"One more step, and I'll shoot! Leave!" demands the hooded figure.

"Let's not do anything we might regret," I reason.

"Leave!" he demands, again.

I quickly pull the knife and spear his hand. He drops the gun.

"Kick me the gun!" I shout.

She does, and I pick it up. I aim it at the man. I pull out my phone, and the recording ends.

Now, I notice two, small, but major details. One; The man has a small black dragon tattooed on the inside of his right wrist. He belongs to Dave Raven's Gang, The Black Dragons. Two; In the corner, behind Louis, there's a second shadow. There's also a tattoo. Same place and dragon as the last.

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