Chapter 12

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Rider's POV

I hear my cellphone ring. I pick it up and walk into the hallway.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey, Rider," says a familiar voice.

"Chad?" I ask.

"Agent McKenna said I could talk to you for a little while," he says. "How are you?"

"Well, I've been up for 35 hours straight, have taken out 5 of his men, almost been killed twice, switched locations twice, and have found out some info that I'm not entitled to say over the phone," I finish.

"Nice," he says. "Well, I have to go. But, Agent McKenna wants to talk to you."

"Alright," I say.

"Rider," she says.

"Agent," I say. "What's so important you needed to call me?"

"You need to head to our headquarters in Paris," she says. "They're having a problem. They need someone ASAP. You're the closest. Please?"

"What about the boys?" I ask.

"They'll be fine for a few hours," she says. "Anyway, Paul's there."

"Fine," I say. I go back in the room. I see all the boys, plus Paul. "Paul, I've got to run for a few hours."

"Alright," he says. He tosses me the keys. I walk out to the car. I get in and drive off to headquarters.


I get there in 5 minutes. I see a fire truck zoom by. I look in the direction it's heading. I see smoke coming from a tall building... a building about 4 stories tall... about the same distance away as the hotel.

The hotel is on fucking fire. I get in the car and speed.

I make it to the hotel in two minutes. I see Paul and four boys. Louis is missing. I get out of the car. "Where's Louis?" I ask.

"He's stuck," says Niall. "They won't get anyone else out."

"Fuck," I swear under my breath.

I run under the police tape. "Madame, où pensez-vous que vous allez?" asks a cop.
(Ma'am, where do you think you're going?)

"Je fais mon travail," I say, flashing him my badge.
(I'm doing my job.)

Before he can process what's happening, I run into the burning building. I run up the stairs that are sturdy enough to hold someone. I run up. I pass floor one... two... three. I make it to the fourth floor. The floor starts to creak under my weight.

I slip through the floor. I grab the board, and pull myself up. There's smoke and ash everywhere. I look up at the ceiling. I have 9 minutes before the roof collapses. I run to our rooms.

"Lou! Yell carrot if you can here me! Or Hunger Games whistle, or something!" I shout, to get no response.

In I go.

I see Louis passed out on a couch. I run in and throw him onto my back. I continue running. I see a little girl, maybe eleven, coughing, laying there. I pick her up. I hold her and Louis. I run downstairs.

6 Minutes...

I run down to floor three. I see a little boy, maybe 5. I hold him in the same arm as the girl. I run back towards the stairs.

4 Minutes...

I make it to the second floor. I grab a pair of twin girls, maybe 7 years old. I run back down the stairs.

2 Minutes...

I make it go floor one. There's no one else in the building. I start running towards the doors. Flames burst up and get in my way. I run across the floor. I see flames guarding the door. I run to the side.

30 Seconds...

I see the door. I sprint as fast as I can.

10 Seconds...

Everything seems to go in slow motion.

9 Seconds...

I will myself to keep going.

8 Seconds...

I run.

7 Seconds...

I make it to the door.

6 Seconds...

I push it with all my might.

5 Seconds...

It opens.

4 Seconds...

I get as far away from the building as I can.

3 Seconds... 2 Seconds... 1... CRASH!

The whole roof collapses. Everyone looks at the mound of people I have on top of me. The paramedics come rushing over. They take everyone else. They take me and put me on a stretcher. They put me in an ambulance. I black out.

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