Chapter 18

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Rider's POV

"Hello?" he asks.

He drops the phone, and his face goes pale. I signal for everyone to be quiet, by putting my finger to my lips. I pick up the phone, and see that the other line was hung up.

"Who was it?" I ask.

"He knows where we are," says Mason, petrified. "He knows we're together. He's here."

I almost choke. "Here? As in at the hotel?" I ask. He nods. "We need to get the boys out," I say. I see the fire escape. "Raven wouldn't dare cause a seen. I highly doubt he brought backup."

"Raven?" asks Louis. "That's the name signed on every threatening message we get. Who's he?"

"What's happening?" asks Liam.

"I'll explain later," I say. "Get your stuff. I want Liam and Louis behind me, Mason behind you two." I walk outside on the patio, and survey the area. I pull my gun, and point it in front of me. I see a little bridge connecting our room, and the other guises room. "Stay low," I demand the boys. I put my luggage by the boys.

I crawl over to the other room, using the fire escape. I knock on the window. Harry opens it. "Scar-," I cut him off.

"Get your stuff," I demand everyone in the room. "We're leaving." They all look at me confused. I put my gun in the air. "Get Your Stuff! And don't you dare go out the front door!"

They all scamper off, and I wait, keeping a close eye on Louis, Liam, and Mason, as well. The others grab all there stuff, and look at me. Paul looks at me, too. "What's going on now?" he asks, drowsily.

"Raven's here," I say. "Chances are, he blocking the entrance. He doesn't know what room we're in, though. We need to go now!"

They all follow behind me down the fire escape, Paul at the back. I see the car. I notice a few of Raven's men hanging around the hotel, easily identified by tattoo. They're not looking at us, so I usher everyone into the car, quickly. Paul gets in the driver seat. I get in the passenger.

All the boys pile on the back, including Mason. "Stay down, guys," I warn.

"What is h-," starts Louis, but Mason cuts him off.

"Just, don't," warns Mason. "The less you know, the better."

"What does-," starts Niall, only to be cut off by Mason.

"Look," says Mason. "Take it from someone who knows. You're safer if you don't. Ok?"

They just nod silently.

Who can help me? Anyone at any Agency in America can't.

That's it. At any Agency...

I pull my phone out of my back pocket. I dial the familiar number. It rings a few times.

"Mr. Days' office, how can I help you?"

"Mr. Day?" I ask. "It's Tommo."

"Rider?" he asks. "Since when do you call? Are you ok?"

"Can we meet up?" I ask. "It's really important."

"When can you be here?" he asks.

"In 5 hours," I say.

"Come to my office as soon as you get here," he says. "It must be important, because you never call."

"I'll be there," I say, and hang up. I type in 'Arlington County, Virginia', into my phone.

232 Miles, 4 Hours, to Arlington County, Virginia from New York City, New York.

"Who's Mr. Day?" asks Louis.

"Stop asking questions," I say. "We're going to Arlington County, Virginia. I know someone there."

"Isn't the Pentagon there?" asks Mason.

"Ya," I say. "Ya, it is."


Welcome To Virginia says the sign.

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Louis continues.

"It's only like, 5 more minutes," I say, annoyed.

Paul continues to drive. I see the gigantic building come into view. "This is awesome," says Liam in awe.

"Just pull infront," I say. He does, and the security guards look at us. I pull my badge out, and get out of the car. I show the guards my badge. "I'm here to see Mr. Day."

"Let 'em through!" shouts the guard.

The gate opens. Paul pulls through. "Go to the garage," I say.

He pulls into it. "Are any of you coming?" I ask.

"You're going in... there?!" asks Niall.

"So are you, if you want," I say.

"Really?" asks Louis.

"Just, don't break anything," I say. "And we'll all be on good terms."

I get out of the car, and all the boys follow, including Mason and Paul. I walk through the garage. I scan my badge at the entrance, and the door opens. I'm greeted by rows and rows of guards. The first one nods his head, gesturing for us to go through.

We walk through, the boys following, amazement evident on their faces. I continue to walk, until I see the elevator. We all walk in, and I hit '7', the highest floor.

It moves up, then dings, and everyone follows me through the long hallways. I walk down to Mr. Day's office. The door's wide open. I see Mr. Day, and Caiden. I knock on the open door, and both heads snap towards me.

"Tomlinson?" questions Caiden. "It's been, like, 7 years." He gives me a hug.

"Hey, Caiden," I say. I see Mr. Day. "Mr. Day-"

"Just like your parents," he says. "Oh... I probably shouldn't have-"

"No, it's fine," I say. "My mom isn't dead."

"Excuse me?" he asks.

"My mom isn't dead," I say. "I met her in Paris, by mistake."

"That's amazing," he says. "Anyway, call me Jim."

"Well, I've got actual problems," I say. "But, this is Louis, Liam, Zayn, Harry, Niall, Mason, and Paul."

"Louis... Tomlinson?" he asks.

"Yes," I say. "It's him. Anyway, the agency is-"

"You're still working for the agency?" asks Caiden.

"Ya," I say. "Why?"

"McKenna," says Jim. "She was always sketchy. I left, and took Caiden with me."

"Ya," I say. "Turns out she's working with Raven. That's why I need help. I can't trust anyone at any agency in America."

"Have you tried Chief Adams?" he asks.

"How do you suppose I get there?" I ask. "I've been trying to contain these nosy boys. Plus, I have to watch Mason like a hawk."

"You know, we're all right here?" says Niall.

"Well, go do something," I say. "Paul, take them. Mason, don't you dare leave." I hear the door shut, and Mason stands next to me. "What am I going to do?"

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