Chapter 3

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Rider's POV

"Who strikes again?" I ask, as if I don't know.

"Paul, she hasn't even been here for 3 hours and she's almost been killed," says the blonde one. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine," I say, sobering up. "I threw the knife before he could shoot."

"Why don't we get to know Scarlett?" asks Louis. "Go sit in the living room."

Us six go sit in a circle.

"Go sleep, Paul," I say.

He runs upstairs.

"Ok, Scarlett, what's your favorite color?" asks the blonde.

"Red," I say. I can be honest about these small details.

"What's your favorite movie?" asks Curly.

"Grease," I say.

"Favorite food?" asks the kid with a quiff.

"Carrots," I say.

"Favorite superhero?" asks the brown hair, brown eyes, kid.

"Superman," I say.

"Favorite band?" asks Suspenders.

"The Script and The Fray," I say.

"Where are you from?" asks Quiff.

"I was born in Doncaster, South Yorkshire. But, I've lived in America for a few years," I say, honestly.

"Do you have any pets?"

"No, but I want a dog," I start, "A German Shepard, maybe some Husky, and lab, too."

"You could be my twin," says Suspenders.

"What are your names?" I ask, brushing off Suspenders comment.

"Niall," says Blonde.

"Harry," says Curly.

"Zayn," says Quiff.

"Liam," says the quiet one.

"The Sass Masta From Doncaster; Louis Tommo Tomlinson!" yells Suspenders.

"And you all already know my name," I say.

"Wait... How didn't you know our names?" asks Niall. "Do you live under a rock?"

"No," I say. "I'm just not a fangirl who faints and cries at concerts."

"And you've never heard of our band before?" asks Zayn.

"No," I say. "Now, let's get back to the game."

"What do you parents do?" asks Liam.

"Does rolling in their graves count?" I ask.

"Ok, let's change the topic," says Niall. "Do you have any siblings?"

"No," I say.

"Any other relatives?" asks Harry.

"Both my parents were only children," I say.

"Who did you live with?" asks Louis.

"A family friend," I say. "Do you have any video games?"

"Of course," says Zayn.

"Can we play?" I ask.

"Of course!" says Zayn, again.

Zayn hands me a controller.

"Have you ever played Call of Duty?" asks Zayn.

"No, but I'm sure I could figure it out," I say.

He turns on the game. It's a gun game. I start playing, and soon get the idea of it. I play like I'm a pro, sneaking up on Zayn and taking him out. The game ends and I beat the high score.

"You've never played before?" asks Zayn. I shake my head. "Nobody can beat me! Ugh!"

"Someone's on their man period," I say, only loud enough for Zayn to hear.

The four others come walking in.

"What's wrong?" asks Louis.

"Her!" he pouts.

"Someone's on their man period," says Louis, only loud enough for the six of us to hear.

"That's what I said!" I exclaim. "Great minds think alike."

"So, we have a concert in Paris coming up," says Liam. "We're leaving tomorrow. They already booked us a hotel. Pack your stuff!"

"My family's visiting Paris for the Summer," says Louis.

"Paul said there's going to be time. As soon as we get there," says Liam.

"Yay!" yells Niall. "We get a mini vacation!

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to pack," says Harry, running up stairs.

All the other boys follow him. Paul comes out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"How are the boys?" asks Paul.

"Boys will be boys," I mumble.

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