Chapter 11

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Rider's POV

I go upstairs and grab my bags. I lug them downstairs. I see all the boys grabbed their bags and that they went out to the car. That means Paul's here.

I put my bags down. I give my mom a big hug. "I'll see you soon?" I ask.

"Of course, dear," she says.

I hug all the younger ones. "Please keep Louis safe," begs Lottie.

"Of course," I say. I hug her, and hurry out the door.

I walk to the car. I put my bags in the trunk. I get in the passenger seat. Paul pulls away. I look out the mirror.

"Shit!" I whisper, and yell at the same time. "Paul, we're being tailed."

"What should we do?" he whispers back.

"Do everything I say," I whisper. "Floor it."

"What?" he asks.

"Paul! Just floor it," I say. He does, and we go really fast. They're really tiny now. "Slow down," I say.

He goes back to a normal speed. "Paul, as soon as I get out of this car, you're going to floor it, again. Make three rights, and two lefts, then go to the hotel. Got it?" I ask.

"Be careful," he says.

I quickly jump out of the car, once he stops it. He speeds away, just like I said. I pull out my gun. I shoot the tires of the car tailing us. I pop all four. The car swirves. It comes to a stop. I slowly approach the car, to see two more of Raven's men.

"Why can't you people leave us alone?!" I yell, holding the gun out in front of me. One of them pulls a gun. I aim mine at his partner.

"They want them. They want you," he says.

"If they want me, you wouldn't dare shoot," I say. "They would have your heads served on a silver platter."

I pull the trigger and shoot them both. I kill them with one bullet each. I hear police sirens in the distance. Good thing it's a deserted road. No one saw, no trouble.

I sprint down the road, faster than anyone has ever seen.

I see Paul's car parked outside a grand hotel. It's called La Tremoille. (A/N It's a real place in Paris, France! I did my research!) I put my bags in the trunk.

"C'mon boys!" I yell, into the car.

Everyone gets out, and we walk in. "Johnson," says Paul.

She punches some things on her computer. "Oui, Oui. Quatre suites, le tout payé. " she says. "Chambres 412, 413, 414, et 415, étage 4."
(Yes, Yes. Four suites, all paid. Rooms 412, 413 , 414, and 415 , floor 4.)

"What the hell does that mean?" asks Louis.

"Quoi?" she questions.

"Je suis désolé. Ils ne parlent pas français," I chuckle. "Ce est tout madame. Bonne journée."

(I'm sorry. They do not speak French. That's all ma'am. Good day.)

"Bonne chose que vous faites. Passez une bonne journée," she laughs, too.

(Good thing you do. Have a great day.)

She hands me two keys for each room. The boys lug their luggage into the elevator, as I left mine in the car.

The elevator beeps. We walk towards the rooms. Paul opens the door. Again, all the rooms connect. "All four rooms connect," I point out.

I open the doors, walking into our four rooms.

"Two in each room," says Paul. "Zayn and Niall. Liam and Harry. Louis and Scarlett."

"Paul will take one end, we'll take the other," I say.

I walk to 412, and Paul takes 415. Zayn and Niall take 414, and Liam and Harry take 413.

"How could you speak her language?" asks Louis.

"French? I learned it in school," I reply flatly. "Anything else you want to interrogate me about?"

"I'm just curious," he defends.

"Ya?" I ask. "I think you don't want me in the band. I understand that. But, you really need to get over it."

"Get over what?" he asks. "The fact that you're lying to all of us? You know, I've figured you have a password on your suitcase. Also, that you have a knife in your boot. And, you have a gun."

I pull my knife and gun out. "Anything else you want to know?" I ask.

"Who are you?" he asks.

"Scarlett," I say. "And if you think I'm hiding something, take a look in the mirror. I can read you like a book."

"Really? Really?" he asks. "Give it your best shot."

"You have a real sister and 4 step sisters. You're famous. The boys are like your brothers," I say.

"Anyone can figure that out," Louis sneers.

"I just don't want to scare you," I say.

"Scare me," he says.

"Daddy died when you were 14. He was an alcoholic. You were always unusually strong. It runs in your blood. You were a badass, but you outgrew it. Harry's your bestfriend, but you guys aren't gay like people think. You're good at detecting lying, but not as good as me. You are very well capable of firing a gun, but you don't know how. You're wearing blue colored contacts. Your real eye color is sea-blue, green. But, some people think it's ugly, and you're self conscious. Take them out. Your real eye color is so much nicer. Your real sister went to America when your dad died. God knows where she is. You are over-protective of your step-sisters. And right now, you feel like you want to smack me, because I was right," I say.

He balls his fists so tight, his knuckles turn white. "How do you know that?" he asks, releasing his called balled fists.

"I can read you like a book," I say.

"How do you really know that?!" he yells.

"I told you I would scare you," I say. "Truth be told, I know more about you then any of these boys, and I've been here two days. They've been here for four years."

"Those boys are closer to siblings than you'll ever be," he taunts.

"If only you knew, Louis," I taunt in return. "If only you knew."

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