Chapter 19

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Rider's POV

"Mason?" I ask. "I just want to make sure we're on the same page. You do know I could have you arrested and killed at any time. Right?"

"Y-Yeah," he stutters, nervously.

I give him a sarcastic smile. "Good."

Caiden looks at me. "Who is he, anyway?"

"Mason Clark," I say.

Caiden and Jim exchange uneasy glances. The blood drains from their faces, then their faces turn green. I look at them, confused. I turn around, to see Mason have a gun pulled, and pointed towards me. Then, I remembered something. He has no ammunition. "Rider, just come with me peacefully, and no one gets hurt," he says, tauntingly.

"No," I say, in the same tone.

"No?" he questions. "No?"

"No," I say.

"Rider," Caiden warns, uneasily. "Be careful what you say. He has a gun pointed at you."

He aims the gun at my leg. He applies pressure to the trigger. The gun makes a popping sound. "No," I say, smirking.

"You little bitch," he swears, mad.

"I knew I couldn't trust you," I say, in the tone I've been using. "I was just hopping it woudn't end this way."

"Look," says Mason. "He was threatening to kill my family. He said that on the phone. He threatens me with them. He hangs them over my head."

"What?" I ask. "I don't have the same problem? McKenna put me on this case so when she killed Louis or I, it would kill the other one. If you would've told me, instead of tyring to kill me, I could've helped you out. Now, Raven and McKenna are going to keep making their puppet dance. And guess what? You're the puppet. As soon as you have all their dirty work done, they're going to kill you off. So, dance Mason, dance. I won't kill you. That would be to nice. So, this time, I'll let them do their jobs. I would say, See you on the other side, but we both know, you're going to rot in hell. So Mason, leave, before I chain you up, and call McKenna and Raven to come kill you."

"Please, Rider?" he begs. "I-I think I lo-,"

He mumbles the last part. "You think you what?" I ask, venom lacing my voice.

"I think I love you," he says in a small voice.

"You try to kill me, then you want to pull an I love you?" I ask. "I don't th-"

He walks up to me, and pushes his lips to mine. I feel a little zoo run wild in my stomach. It feels... like I'm about to explode.

I push him away from me. "I'm sorry," I say. "I may hate you right now, but believe me when I say it's nothing personal. I can't love you, or anyone else for that matter, because it will get you killed. No matter my hatred towards you, I"m going to give you a piece of advice. Get a fake body, dress it up, but a bullet in its' chest, and take your family back. Ok? Just leave me out of it. Because, maybe three, won't be your lucky number."

He swallows nervously. "Please, Rider," he begs. "I'm willing to take the risk of being with you. I'll do it in a heartbeat."

"Mason, here's where my pure and utter hatred comes in," I say. "I wouldn't be with you, even if we were the last two people on Earth. You tried to hurt my family. In my book, that's not just a misdemeanor. That's a felony. One that'll get you the death penalty. But I won't be the one pulling the trigger. Now, get out of here. You'll do everyone a favor."

"You may not forgive me yet, or ever," he says, "But know I'm sorry."

He turns around, and walks out. I turn back to Jim and Caiden. "Why didn't you put in a bullet in his head?" asks Caiden. "Nothing's ever stopped you before."

"He's in the same position I would be if I couldn't come here," I say. "I had someone to turn to. He doesn't."

"Since when do you have sympathy?" asks Caiden.

"Since I found out I have a brother who had a fantastic life that got turned upside down on my account," I say. "Anyway, I know I'm right about them killing him. That's what going to happen."

"That's how they are," says Jim, letting out a sigh. "Anyway, my advice is keep pretending like you don't know anything, then take them down. I'll always be around, even if you don't know. Call me if you need me."

"Thank you, Agent," I say. "I'll see you later, Caiden. Be careful, guys."

I walk out of Jim's office. I notice the boys, playing with some things. I notice Paul gone. "Where's Paul?" I ask, capturing the boys attention. 

"He didn't tell you?" asks Louis. "He had to go to Ireland because someone in his family is getting surgery."

"Fantastic," I mumble. "I want all of you in the car, now."

Louis tosses me the keys. "Where's your boyfriend?" taunts Harry.

"Mason?" I ask. "My friend? I honestly don't know, or care for that matter."

"What crawled up her pants and died?" mumbles Niall, mostly to himself, but none of the other boys heard it.

"I heard that," I sneer.

"Heard what?" asks Liam.

"I don't know," I say, sarcastically. "Niall?"

"How did you hear that?" he asks, confused.

"I have super-hearing," I say.

I walk towards the elevator. The boys follow. I press for the first floor. The elevator closes. It goes down, and stops abruptly on the first level. I walk out, and the boys follow. I walk past the guards that we were greeted by when we walked in. 

I take note of their faces. One looks eerily similar. Then, my hope is crushed. He has a Black Dragon tattoo. That man is my dad. Which means he's Louis' dad, too. I put the car keys in Louis' hand. "Go back to Mr. Day's office," I whisper. "Take the boys." 

Louis turns around, and grabs the boys. They walk, and they're out of sight. I go face to face with the man- Troy Austin.

"Mr. Austin," I greet. "I thought you were dead."

"Excuse me?" he asks.

"Don't play stupid with me, Austin," I hiss. "We both know what I'm talking about. And, we both know who's the smarter one out of the two of us." I pick up his arm, his wrist facing him, so he understands.

"Kid?" he asks. "Don't you have better things to do?"

"What?" I question, innocently. "Mr. Dead Daddy doesn't want to spend time with his Dear Ole' Daughter? Or his son, your people are after? I mean, I thought ex-spies were supposed to retire in Hawaii. Not join Dave Raven's organization."

"I know you work for the ISAFA, but I don't know who you are," he declares. "Enlighten me."

"Tomlinson," I say. "Rider, Tomlinson." I knee him where the sun doesn't shine. "Don't try to kill family. It's rude."

The other guards didn't even notice the scene that unfolded right before their eyes. I start walking towards the elevator, so I can go get the boys. I hear a few quiet whispers. I turn to my left, and see the ignorant boys. I stare at them, until they notice me. "It's like you're begging to get yourselves killed," I suggest. "Get in the car."

The boys all scamper to the car ike scared little mice. I get in, and start the engine.

"Was that my dad?"

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