Chapter 33

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Last Chapter! There will be a sequel!


Louis' POV

I walked into my hotel room, and sat on my bed. I quickly changed into comfortable clothes, and noticed a orange manilla envelope on my bed. I saw my name printed in fancy handwriting. I walked out of my room, to see all the boys looking at envelopes as well.

"You, too?" asked Niall, as I nodded.

"What if we open them at the same time?" I ask. They nod, and we do. I pull the letter out, and begin reading.

Dear Louis,

If you're reading this, it means I'm dead. But, I'm going to tell you a secret. I'm not dead. I made it my personal mission to live until I was 80, and protect you until you're safe. And if I'm dead, that means I failed. But, I don't fail missions.

I know what's running through your mind. Why did she fake her death? Well, Lou, it's quite simple. The whole reason you were targeted in the first place was to hurt me. You were going to be kidnapped, and hurt, to hurt me. But if I'm dead, they can't hurt me. And, McKenna was the only one who wanted the chip.

I'm lying low so he'll leave you alone. I've had my death planned since the day I escaped the very first time. I knew I was going to take down McKenna-she was the main problem. And the minute I finally kill him, I swear I'll be on a plane to you guys.

Do you want to find me now, Louis? Remember those tickets I made you send? I'm there, Lou. And if I'm already gone, Elizabeth will tell you where to go next.

I know it seems like I'm sending you on a wild-goose chase, but I need to make sure you don't accidentally lead jim right to me. I could take him, but you can't.

But, you can't tell anyone about this. That means Zayn. Liam, Harry, and Niall, too. OK? I'm sorry, but it's for the safety of everyone.

Raven is done with us. But, I have a feeling we're dealing with someone bigger than Raven. I know we are Lou. I've already gotten a taste of him. If you thought Raven was bad, this guy is 100 times worse. I'm sure you see why this is necessary.

I love you, Lou. I needed a big brother, and now I have one. But always remember Lou-sometimes to protect you, have to hurt you.

Love You, Superman,
Rider Elizabeth Tomlinson

P.S. Let's make our new thing, Love You, Superman. I'll be Supergirl!

Classic Rider. She faked her death... And I had to find her. Now.

Liam's POV

I read the letter. 

Dear Liam,

If you're reading this, I must be gone. But guess what? Chances are I died as a hero, like I would've wanted. And I'm alright with that. But, I'm sorry. I'm not alright with the fact I failed to protect you guys. And Liam, will you do me a favor? Don't give up on boxing and firefighting. You have the guts to do both.

Yours Truly,
Rider Tomlinson

I smiled slightly, went back to my room, but the letter on my dresser, and went to sleep.

Harry's POV

Dear Harry,

I'm sorry. I'm sorry I failed to protect you. And I'm sorry for the lies I told you. But, I was protecting you. If I told you the truth about everything, you would be dead. And Harry, don't ever give up. If you do, where would you be? Look where your singing dreams got you! You top charts all over the world.

And do me a favor-don't mourn over my death. Alright? I wouldn't have wanted that, right? You know that.

Do me another favor-find that girl you love. And when you do, settle down, become a dad, have that little girl named Darcy. Beat up the first boy who breaks her heart, do it all. And remember, I'm here, whether you know it or not.

Rider Tomlinson

I put the letter in my drawer, sitting in thought, tears escaping my eyes.

Zayn's POV

Dear Zayn,

I'm sorry I failed the mission. I am. But, I want to give you some advice.

Don't give up on you and Misty, no matter how much easier it seems, ok? Love is work, but you two are definitely in love. I can tell from the way you look at each other. And once you have all those problems solved, settle down with her.

Have that family you always wanted, kids, your gorgeous wife. I'm sorry I'll miss the wedding. Don't mourn over my death, either. I died in battle, protecting you lot. That's how I would've wanted to die, alright?

Rider Tomlinson

I smiled at her, and fell asleep.

Niall's POV

I read the letter Rider left me,

Dear Niall,

I'm truly sorry. I failed you guys. I know I failed. But, let's make me the only one who failed. I know you'll find your Princess, Niall. And when you do, you'll know. She won't hurt you, or scar you, or put you in constant danger. She'll be the opposite of me. And when you find her Niall, spoil her rotten and never, ever, let her go, alright? I'm not her, Niall. I want you to promise me you'll move on, marry her, and settle down with the family you always wanted, alright?

I'm sorry I left you, but I was trying to protect you. I love you, Ni-and I've never said that to anyone but Lou and my parents.

Rider Tomlinson

P.S. If you loved me, let me go. It's for your own good, I swear.

I let a tear slip, as I put the letter on my laptop, thinking.

Louis' POV

I ran out of the house, and got into my car, following the GPS. I was going to find her. Even if it killed me...

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