Chapter 14

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Rider's POV

That's when I realized something else...

I was set up!


I was set up. It just so happened I was needed else where when the hotel was torched. A five minute difference would've had a totally different effect.

I would've made sure everyone got out safely, and we wouldn't be in a hospital. I would be doing my job. Not sitting in a hospital.

But, the person who told me to leave was McKenna. She wouldn't do that.... Right?

But, who else could've done that? I walked out of the hospital room. I see Paul sitting there. "Rider?" he questions quietly.

"Ya, ya, I'm up. We've already established that," I say. "But, I need to go somewhere."

"I can contain the boys," he says. "Oh ya. Someone came by and dropped off your motorcycle."

He hands me the keys. "Thanks," I say.

I run downstairs. I go to the front entrance. I see paparazzi and fangirls and... fanboys? I pull out my sunglasses. I slip them on. I run out the back. I slip around the crowd. I get on my motorcycle.

The engine roars to life, and everyone turns to look at me. I wave goodbye, and zoom off to headquarters.

I arrive in 5 minutes. I scan my badge, and the garage opens. It closes as soon as I pull my bike in. I park it in the huge garage. I walk to the door leading to the building from inside the garage.

I scan my badge again. It opens. I walk in, seeing everyone. At least here, people speak American.

I walk to the front desk. I see an American women, sitting there, typing away on a computer. She looks up at me. I see her name tag. Agent Darcy.

"Agent Darcy?" I ask.

"Hello, Agent Tomlinson," she says. "What do we owe this fine pleasure?"

"I just had a question," I say.

"What might that be?" she asks.

"Has there been any problem lately, anything at all?" I question.

"No," she says. "Why would you think that?"

"No reason," I say. "Just doing a check. Thank you, Agent."

"No problem, Tomlinson," she says.

I was set up!

You can't trust anyone anymore, can you?

I walk out of the building. I can't bring my motorcycle, because the boys will get suspicious. I start walking. Headquarters isn't a obvious spy association. If anything, it looks like a department store.

I feel hands snake around my waste. I feel hot breath on my ear. "Que faire si nous avons un peu de plaisir?" he whispers.
(What if we have a little fun?)

"Que faire si nous?" I ask, bringing my fist up to punch him in the face. "Parce, que, ce était beaucoup de plaisir."
(What if we?) (Because, that, was fun.)

I walk away, smirking. I walk into a coffee shop. "Un chocolat chaud, se il vous plaît," I say politely.
(One hot chocolate, please.)

"Ce sera 2 Euros," she says.
(It will be 2 Euros.)

I hand her 2 Euros, or, $2.28 in American dollars. She hands me the hot chocolate. I nod my head, and walk out.

I sip my hot chocolate, and walk towards the hospital.

"You ok?" asks someone next to me, startling me.

"Me?" I question.

"Ya," he says. "That little scene that unfolded back there. You punched him pretty hard."

"He deserved it," I say.

"True," he says.

I look up at hum for the first time. He has blonde tussled hair, and beautiful green eyes. He looks just like...

He's the kid working for Raven!

Hey, world! Anymore shockers you want to throw my way? Now would be a great time!

All I have to do is get him to like me, then pin his ass to the wall. Simple.

"So, what's your name?" I ask him, innocently.

"Mason Clark," he says.

"It suits you," I say. "I'm Scarlett Johnson."

"Wait... aren't you that chick that ran into-," I cut him off.

"Yes, I'm the chick who ran into the burning building," I finish.

"You're one psycho chick," he says.

"Ya," I say. "I definitely need to hear I'm psycho right now."

"I'm probably not helping," he says.

"Well, I got to go," I say, seeing the hospital a few yards away.

"Could I get your number?" he asks.

"Sure," I reply flatly.

He hands me his phone. I type my number in, and send a quick text to myself.

"All done," I say. "Nice meeting you."

"You, too," he says, and stalks off.

He's so damn cute. Too bad I have to kill him...

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