Chapter 21

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Rider's POV

"Are you guys still mad at me?" I ask. "I would've told you, but then it gives people another reason to kill you. I may have been emotionally hurting you, but I didn't want you killed."

"You were keeping a major secret from us... to protect us?" asks Louis. 

"I really am sorry," I say. "And I don't really apologize for things like this. I don't even apologize to people I kill. This is a flame out of all the bridges I've burned."

"We're sorry, too," decides Louis. "You were trying to protect us, not hurt us."

"Now that we're all on the same page, we need to leave," I say. "I'm going back to New York, and you're coming with me."

"Why?" asks Niall. 

"Because," I say. checking my phone, "I have a friend picking us up."

We walk towards the entrance, and I see the familiar blue Mustang. I walk to the car, the boys following in awe. It's not like regular Mustang's. There's 7 seats in it-2 in the front, 2 in the middle, 3 in the back. 

I climb in the front, next my friend, and the boys climb in the back 5. I turn and face my friend, Misty. It's not a nickname, it's her actual name.

"Blue," I say.

"Tomlinson," says the brunette, with dark blue dyed tips.

Zayn's eyes are googling at the badass, Misty. 

(In the book, Zayn and Perrie aren't engaged!)

"Zayn," I threaten. "Quit drooling!" He snaps out of his daze, and comes back to reality. "Boys, this is Misty Badass Blue."

"Why is her middle name Badass?" asks Liam, chuckling nervously.

"You'll see," says Misty, flooring it. 

The car goes about 170 miles an hour. The boys all scream, as MIsty and I smirk. She weaves in and out of traffic. In a few very short minutes, Misty and I nearly deaf, because of the boys terrified cries, but, we're at a warehouse.

We walk in, and the boys follow. You see, Misty doesn't look like it, but she's actually really smart. "New York?" she asks, looking at me like I'm crazy. "You have very powerful people after you, and you're going right to them?" 

"Ya," I say. "I need to take them down."

"What about the blokes?" she asks. "Who are they, and how much do they know?"

"Enough," I say. "Now, please?" 

"It's not my funeral," she decides. 

She gets in the front of the helicopter, and I do, too. The boys get in the back, still amazed.

"Does this thing go 200mph, too?" asks Liam, debating if he's getting in or not.

"No," says Misty. The boy get in, and she looks the sliding doors. "It goes 210," she mumbles.

I chuckle at her, and she laughs to, realizing I heard her. She turns the key, and pushes a button. The ceiling of the warehouse opens, and she takes off, pushing the button again, and the ceiling closes once we're out. 

The helicopter flies through the air, and Misty puts on a set of headphones, handing me six. I out a pair on, and pass the other five to the boys, who do the same. She puts on a pair of goggles, since she's flying the helicopter.


We fly into a second warehouse. She lands it, and gets out. I follow, and so do the boys. "Do you need help?" she asks.

"I do," mumbles Louis. "Hey Zayn, I didn't know you had a twin."

"I'm guessing Tomlinson gets airsick," she says. "And Malik, I know you don't have a twin."

"You know them?" I ask. 

"Oh my god!" she fake squeals. "It's One Direction, and their new member, Scarlett Marie Johnson!"

"Oh," I say, understanding. "You know, your acting has gotten a lot better."

"Right?" she asks, rhetorically. "So, you want to go to McKenna?"

"Yes," I say. "But I need a favor."

"What's that?" asks Misty.

"I need to do this alone," I say. "All I need you to do is keep them here."

"Alright," she says, pulling her gun out of her belt. She pulled the trigger, so a loud gunshot popped, and echoed. "Listen up, Girlies! Sit on the couch, and entertain yourselfs."

"Thanks, Mist," I say.

"Yeah, sure," she says. "Now don't get killed, Tommo."

"You can't get rid of me that easily."

I readjust my wig, and run out of the warehouse. I start jogging in the direction of the office. In a few minutes I get there. I enter my password, 5607, and open the door.

I walk straight to McKenna's office, and open the door. I see her sitting at her desk, along with Chad and Raven.

"McKenna, Raven, and Chad?" I ask. "I mean, seeing McKenna and Chad is normal, but Raven? Nah. So, why is he here, McKenna?"

"What are you doing her, Rider?" asks Chad.

"I could ask you the same question," I say. "So, did you trace who deleted the files?"

"No," says McKenna. "Do you have an idea?"

"I don't," I say, trying to control my temper, but it gets the best of me. "What the fuck is wrong you?"

"Excuse me?" asks McKenna, with mock shock.

"You know exactly what I mean," I say. "You helped kill my dad."

"Oh, Rider," says McKenna. "What took you so long to figure it out...?"

McKenna's voice was trailing like a siren in the distance. And suddenly, it all went black.

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