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I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to the familiar dim light in the room. From where I lay, I could make out the edges of some features within the room, mostly illuminated from the sliver of light that snuck in under the bottom of the black out curtains over the window. I could see the edge of the dresser, and a few items scattered messily on the floor. But I also wasn’t paying that close attention.

What did captivate my attention, however, was the arm draped over my middle, pulling me back tightly and securely against the body behind me in the bed. The warm, firm surface that met my back was still with the only exception being the rhythmic, slow even breathes from the owner of the body.

I closed my eyes again, nudging my face a little deeper in the pillow, inhaling the familiar scent. I found myself smiling before my mind even completely awoke, or even entirely grasped everything that had happened in the last twelve or so hours.  Regardless, I felt safe and content.

Last night had been a storm of emotions. So much happened, and so much was said. And yet, none of it mattered in the end. In the end, it was just one thing. In the end, it came down to four little words that changed everything.

‘Will you marry me?’

Its funny how that one question can change so much. That in the time it is asked, to the time you respond, so many thoughts and questions and fears and considerations happen in such a tiny time frame, almost like your life flashing before your eyes. But in a way, two lives. The life you’ve had together so far, the one of first meetings, first dates, first kisses. The one of first declarations, first fights, and all the things in between. The things that made you love the person on the other end of the question, and the things they made you feel. This life was countered by the life that had yet to happen. The one you saw in the future with this person. Marriage, children, vacations. Growing old together, losing family, losing friends. The course of life as it was, and whether you saw yourself taking this path with this person at your side.

It seems like a lot to consider in such a short time, but it was how it was. So much raced through my mind from the time Harry said those four words, until I finally squeaked out my answer.


We had faced so much already, many more challenges than I thought most couples of our age had. Not even just between each other, but with his career and family, our own relationship challenges that seemed heightened because of the aforementioned two. So much had brought is back and forth, pushed us apart but brought us back together. We were stronger individually because of it, and despite the issues we had faced in recent weeks, we were stronger together. Because we were together.

I found myself grinning at the thought of Harry on his knee in Louis’ living room, looking over at me as I sat on the couch, a nervous, content smile on his face as he slid a fucking onion ring onto my finger. An onion ring, of all things. This man could afford the Hope diamond if I should so chose, and he proposes with an onion ring.

And it made me fall in love with him even more. If that was possible.

We held each other for a long while as we knelt on the floor, hugging, kissing and laughing. It was as if a weight we didn’t know was there had been lifted, and all we felt was elation. After who knew how long, Harry sighed.

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