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I knew it.

All the air left my body in a rush, blowing out across Harrys face, causing his hair to ruffle. I felt bad, considering I had just eaten a massive burger with onions, and to blow on him right now was rather rude. But I couldn’t help it.

Jesus Christ. What just happened here?

We had started out arguing about Ryan. Then we made up. Then we ate a burger. Then we talking about our feelings. Now he was proposing?

Fucking hell, I needed a Tylenol.

I felt nauseous, and scared. But also excited, and nervous. My poor stomach was too full of burger to deal with all these emotions right now.

Harry watched me for a long while, not speaking, not moving. I wasn’t even sure if he was breathing. He just watched me, waiting for any kind of a response from me.

I knew I needed to say something, and soon. So much was racing through my head, but none of it seemed to be able to reach my mouth.

Was he sure? Surely he cant be ready for this. We had only been together a year. We had just had a massive blow out where I left, and were only making up now. Was now the best time to be proposing? Jesus, I hadnt even moved back home yet. Was he seriously doing this over a burger and fries? 

He cant be serious?

“Aubs?” he said, his voice thick with nerves.

Suddenly, I blurted out the first words that made it to my lips.

“Are you serious?”

Harry smiles, albeit a tense, uncertain smile. “Yes, I am serious,” he assured me. “Babe, Ive been thinking about this for a while. Even before we left London, if Im being honest. Then everything got all fucked up here, and we lost our way a bit. But we’re back now, and I don’t want to waste another few months just because. I know I love you. I know I want to marry you. Waiting just doesn’t make sense to me anymore.”

“Are you serious?” I repeated, stupidly.”

Harry laughed, rolling his eyes. “I know this isn’t the best way to do this,” he admitted. “I don’t have a ring, and we’re in Louis’ living room. Not my most romantic moment, I’ll admit.”

Harry glanced down to the table, to the leftover food still sitting untouched. Smiling to himself, he slid off the couch, perching on one knee. My heart began to hammer in my chest the moment he took that meaningful position, glancing up at me. Reaching out, he plucked an onion ring from my plate, before taking my left hand.

“I know this isn’t how I had originally planned to do this,” he said, and I felt my stomach twist at his admission of having already thought of ways to propose to me. “But sine I already did it, I may as well follow protocol.”

Taking my hand, Harry slipped the small onion ring over my left ring finger, grinning down at it like an idiot from where he knelt on the floor.

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