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“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Louis asked me for the tenth time in the last twelve hours.

I had gone to bed long before he and Niall had returned home from their escapades on the town, so I didn’t get a chance to talk to them about the nights events until this morning. Sitting at the table, staring into my cereal, I was warring with myself over how to bring it up. I knew we were breaking our little ‘time apart’ rule, but at the same time, it was our rule to break. How bad could it be?

So when Louis asked what I had done the night before, I was casual.

“Not much,” I said, keeping my eyes down. “Just laid around, reading.”

“Boring,” he muttered with a smile.

“It was a nice.” I challenged. I waited a beat before filling him in on the real development of the evening. “Harry called.”

Louis’ eyes raised to me quickly, the look of surprise on his face evident.


“Yeah,” I said, trying to keep the tone light. “We haven’t talked all week, so it was nice.”

Louis stayed quiet, nodding as if he was considering just what to say next.

“What did he have to say?” he asked, obviously intrigued.

“Not much,” I lied. “He asked me to go out with him tomorrow.”

Louis groaned, tossing his spoon down onto the table with a clattered. Throwing his head back, he rolled his eyes.

“Fucking Styles,” he muttered. “I told him to fucking wait.”

“Excuse me?” I asked, losing all interest in my cereal.

Louis looked back to me, his face annoyed. “Harry came to me yesterday asking if I thought he should call you.  I said that was up to him, but to keep it light. Don’t get too intense, and don’t try and see each other.  And what does that prat do? Ask you on a fucking date. Jesus Christ, the boy has no self control.”

I glared at him for a moment while he ranted.

“You said yes, didn’t you,” he accused.

I paled slightly, knowing I couldn’t very well judge Harrys lack of control at staying away from me when I myself had agreed to go out with him. We really were a hot mess.

When I didn’t respond, Louis shook his head.

“You two really cant stay away from each other for more than a minute, can you?”

“Oh shut up, Lou,” I spat, flicking a Cheerio at him. “Its just dinner.  Very casual. We are just trying to start over.”

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