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My leg bounced almost continuously as I sat perched upon the immaculate white chair. My hands were folded together, smushed between my thighs tightly, my eyes down.  I tried to appear calm, but was failing as fuck.

“Its so fucking white in here,” Niall muttered, glancing around, his eyes wide. “Is it supposed to be so fucking white?”

“Niall!” Lily whispered loudly. “Stop saying fuck in Kleinfelds!”

“But its so fucking white!” he whispered back, just as loudly.

Maybe the two of them sitting beside each other was a bad idea.

I sat on a single white chair, beside a plush white couch. Beside me was my mother, Louis, Lily then Niall. 

My mother looked around the opulent store, beaming at everything and everyone. She seemed in her glory. I was no fool. I had seen Say Yes to the Dress. I knew nothing in the store was cheap. I also knew that my mother worked hard for her money, and didn’t have much of it. The thought of her wanting to spend her money on a dress I would wear once was bad enough, but with the prices I knew this store carried…it only caused my leg to bounce harder.

I just kept reminding myself we were just looking. There was no harm in looking. I didn’t even know what I wanted, and this was making her happy just to look. Later on, months down the road, I would find a dress for a modest price. Where I knew budget was not an issue for any other part of this wedding, when it came to my dress, I was keeping it on lockdown.

An older, lovely looking woman with short hair and a friendly smile came up to us, resting her hand on the back of my chair.

“Hello!” she greeted, glancing down at me.  “Im Audrey. Who is our bride?”

It took me a moment to realize she meant me. I raised my shaky hand, forcing a smile.

“Lovely!” Audrey beamed. “Who did you bring with you?”

I cleared my throat, trying to calm myself. “My mom, my friend Louis, my maid of honor Lily, and Niall.”

“Going for some male opinions, are we?” Audrey grinned at the boys.

“Mainly mine,” Niall said, raising his hand.

Audrey smiled, before looking back down to me. “So, I hear this is your first time.”

This comment caused Niall to snort loudly, Lily to smack him hard, and Louis to glare at them both.  The only one unfazed was my mother.

“Yes,” I acknowledged, ignoring Niall. “I’ve only been engaged a short time. I haven’t looked at dresses yet.”

“Well, come with me and we can have a chat.”

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