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The next few days were spent in a mixture of contentment and sheer annoyance.

The contentment was from the obvious. I had a job I loved, one which allowed me not only autonomy and solace in teaching my individual classes, but also the opportunity to expand my involvement into the operations of the business in recent months. I was getting to use my experience from teaching at various studios in the States to provide improvements and suggestions for the expansion of Breathe, as well as learning all the ins and outs involved in such a venture. Looking at location, and flow and vendors and the like all made me feel like this was more than just a workplace. Like it was something I was helping create.

I had a home I valued. As much as I had loved my tiny little flat across town, living in Harrys massive penthouse had its perks. Beyond the incredible view and high end décor, the space itself was invaluable. As much as we loved spending time together, sometimes it was nice to actually have the space to be able to be home together without being in each others back pockets. Harry could be in the dining room going over work issues or talking to Liam on the phone, while I sat in quiet calm watching TV or sitting on the floor crossed legged reviewing my own work papers, floor plans and vacation plan sheets. It was like the best of both worlds: living with the man I loved without bumping into him every time I tried to move.

I had a man I cherished above all else. As much as he annoyed me at times, like any man can, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I couldn’t see my life without him. When we were apart, my mind was always, in some degree, with him. Wondering what he was doing, how his day was. Considering sending him a text just to let him know I was thinking of him, or wondering if he was thinking of me. The sound of his voice both calmed me and excited me. The green of his eyes leaving me feeling as if I was walking through a lush field, getting lost in them. And that fucking dimple that popped in his cheek every time he smiled, adding a boyish charm to the man who stood in front of me.

I loved him. All of him. Every facet, every flaw, and every quirk I found myself captivated by. Whether sitting quietly on the couch watching a movie, cuddled into his side, or writhing against each other in the bedroom, calling out his name as he reminded me quite frequently the passion we held for each other, every moment with him never seemed like enough.

Despite this contentment, as I mentioned, there was the annoyance, however.

The annoyance stemmed from only one thing, whereas my contentment could be attributed to many.  That one thing, the tiny reason for the nagging, incessant poking in the back of my mind, was partly of my own doing. My reading that one line in Harrys email, I left myself open for doubt, curiosity and worry.

But that didn’t change the fact that I had read what I had, and that there was obviously something going on with SE that Harry had yet to discuss with me. Someone, somehow, was moving. There was a strong possibility of an expansion to New York, and someone would be moving to over see it. That was what I had gathered from that small portion of the correspondence I had read. Unfortunately, it was only a tiny pin point against the million other questions it raised.

Harry and I had already had enough secrets between us. He had kept everything from me when we first got together. For months, I knew nothing of his job, his company, his family or his past. He kept it all under a tight lock and key, always so careful and cautious never to let anything slip that may let me in on all the aspects of his past.

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