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I spent the rest of that evening sitting on the couch, flanked by Louis and Niall, both of whom seemed to make it their mission to comfort me and get my mind off my current situation. While Louis would bring me tea, chocolate and cookies, Niall would constantly ask me if I was cold, or what I wanted to watch on TV, or if he could have one of my cookies. I appreciated their effort and loved them dearly for it, but by ten oclock they were annoying the fuck out of me.

“I think Im going to go to bed,” I said, pushing off the couch and handing the blanket that had been over my legs to Louis. 

“Ok, love,” he said, giving me a gentle smile.

Niall scurried after me, under the pretense of ‘orientating me’ to his room. In reality, I think he just still felt really bad about letting slip about Ryan, and was sucking up a bit.

Stepping into his room, I smirked. It was a bloody mess, even though I knew he had spent over half an hour in here tidying up. Clothes were piled in the corner, some still skittering out onto the floor in various spots. There were books and magazines set around, along with beer bottles and pop cans. His bed was made, and I was nearly certain he had done that after my arrival.

He had set my bag on the bed, and I noticed he had even plugged my phone into the charger on the wall. 

“Sorry its still a mess,” he muttered behind me. “I’ll tidy it up better tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry about it Niall,” I assured him, giving him a smile. “I just feel bad about taking your room.”

He snorted. “No worries, babe.” He paused for a moment before smirking at me. “Normally I would make a comment about how we could be bunk buddies, but I think Harry is stressed out enough already.”

I laughed. The first honest laugh I had expressed in I didn’t even know how long. It felt foreign, but good.

“Yeah, lets not push things farther than they are, huh?”  I said, stepping up to my bag and unzipping the top.

Niall stood in the middle of the room watching me, picking at the skin around his finger nails. Finally he came and sat on the edge of the bed, looking up at me.

“I really am sorry,” he said softly. “About this mornin’. I should have just kept me mouth shut.”

I shook my head quickly. “Niall, it isn’t your fault. If I had just told Harry in the first place, none of this would have happened.”

“He still had no right to treat you like he did, though.” He added quickly.

“I know,” I said, returning my gaze to my bag. “That’s why I left.”

I pulled out what I thought was pajama pants. Fuck. Yoga pants. I rummaged around in my bag, searching. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I didn’t bring pajamas. Although, I probably did, and they were one of the things that Harry was able to remove during our scuffle.

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