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I woke Friday morning on two separate occasions for two completely different reasons. The first time was much earlier than I would have preferred, but with a nice wake up call of Harrys lips against my forehead, then cheek, then lips. He kissed me awake, before nuzzling into my neck, causing me to groan slightly as he laid back down into the bed beside me. His arm snaked under the blankets again, pulling me into him. I inhaled deeply, breathing in the intoxicating scent of his shampoo mixed with his cologne. There was no better smell in the world. Not even my grans chocolate chip cookies could beat the scent that was Harry Styles.

“Bye, babe,” he whispered, kissing my lips one last time after cuddling me silently for a few minutes.

I whined, my lip pouting out as if trying to follow his. “No,” I murmured. “Stay.”

I felt him chuckle beside me, before kissing me again. “Wish I could.  I will be home early. We can have a nice quiet night in.”

“Mmmhmm,” was my response, as I was still half asleep. Again, I felt him laugh at my expense, before the bed shifted and he left the bedroom. 

I was asleep again before I could even hear the front door close.

The second time I was woken was by the shrill, annoying ringing of my cell phone.  I groaned, scrunching my eyes closed tighter against the light that forced itself rudely into my conscious, pulling the blankets over my head.

Unfortunately, hiding under my comforter did nothing to shut my fucking phone up.

Reaching out, I pulled the phone under the blankets with me, still hiding from the light.  Looking at the caller ID, I groaned in annoyance.

“What do you want Lil?”

“Good morning to you, too, bitch.” She laughed.

It was only half nine in the morning, and she had already annoyed me.

“Why are you calling me?”

“Do I need a reason?”

“You usually have one.”

“Truth,” she laughed, much too happy for someone who was probably sitting at a desk right about now while I was snuggled happily, or at least warmly, in my bed.  “I wanna get together and have lunch.”

I sighed, rolling onto my back, and yet still hiding under the covers. I reached my free hand up, holding the sheets away from my face like a little tent to keep them from suffocating me.

“I teach at ten thirty, so yeah, we can do lunch.” I told her, mentally going through the only real thing I had planned in my day other than a nice evening at home tonight with my fiancé.

Snort. Fiance.

“Great!” she responded, a little too excitedly. Immediately I became suspicious.

Night ChangesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon