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I woke mid morning the next morning, the bright light from the day filling the room. I frowned, peaking out from my half closed eyes to observe the room. The black out curtains were open, allowing the offensive light to pour in unchecked.

Rolling onto my back, I glanced to the empty bed beside me. As usual, Harry was already awake.

It was Saturday, and he had told me he had a meeting. As usual, he was up and gone before I was even awake. I had been wondering over the last week or so of this repetition if he had even been kissing me goodbye while I slept, or just leaving in the dim morning light as if I wasn’t even there.

I sighed, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hands, before pushing up and out of bed. Opening the door to the bedroom, I ventured into the hall towards the living area, pausing a moment when I heard noise in the kitchen beyond.  I walked slowly, quietly, into the open space, my eyes widening when I found Harry standing in the kitchen.

He was dressed in a suit, the first few buttons undone from his collar. He hadnt pulled his jacket on yet, and the white fabric of his dress shirt allowed for hints of the tattoos on his torso to peak through where it lay against his skin.  He was sipping a cup of coffee, and his eyes raised to me when he noticed my arrival.

“Morning, baby,” he greeted, giving me a smile.

“Good morning,” I greeted, coming to join him in the kitchen once the shock of his presence wore off. “What are you doing here?”

“I live here, remember?” he teased, smirking at me from behind his cup.

“I thought you had a meeting?”

“Not until eleven,” he said, flicking the page of the paper on the counter.

I came to his side, reaching out to the coffee maker to pour myself a cup. As I reached up to retrieved a mug, I felt Harrys arms wrap around my waist from behind. I stilled, surprised, turning my head to glance at him as he tucked himself into the crook of my neck.

“What are you doing?” I asked before I could stop myself.

“Hugging you?” he said, his voice a question. Lifting his head from my neck, he looked at me as I set my mug on the table and turned to face him, still in his embrace. “Am I not allowed?”

“No,” I said quickly. “Its not that. Its just….”

“I haven’t done it in a while.” He said, filling in my sentence when I couldn’t make myself say the words.

I nodded, locking my eyes on his.

He looked tired and worn. His face had lost some color, his eyes some of their vibrancy. But standing here, in his arms, feeling his body against mine, he felt like my Harry.

He sighed, his breath fanning across my face. “Im sorry,” he said, reaching up to cup my cheek. “Im sorry Ive been neglecting you. I know I have, and I know you’re upset. I don’t blame you.”

Night ChangesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang