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My leg bounced rhythmically as I sat on the couch, staring out the window. My black sling back pumps dangled from my toe, gently swaying along with the movement of my leg. I twirled a piece of my curled hair between my fingers, my mind wandering.

Harry had texted just over thirty minutes before, saying he was leaving work and would be home soon. Whereas he had hoped to be home by early afternoon, he was now going to be home shortly after five. He promised he still wanted to go out to dinner, his way of making up for the fact he missed our lunch date with my friends. I was going to hold him to this, partly because I had promised Niall we would meet up with him at the bar later, and partly because we needed this time together.

I had gotten home from lunch with my friends just after three. That afforded me the chance to really take my time with my appearance for tonight. Usually, Harry was incredibly attentive. Almost overly so. But lately, he hadnt seemed to notice me at all. I wanted to change that, and if it took a little too much makeup and a little too little clothing, then so be it.

After a nice long shower, taking my time in shaving all the important areas that may come into play later in the evening, I slathered myself in the scented lotion I knew Harry loved. After drying my hair, I set it to a gentle wave down my back, pinning one side away from my face. Very Grace Kelly, in my opinion. While doing my makeup, I repeatedly cursed myself, evening throwing my eyeliner across the room more than once. I had really started to miss Lottie being across the hall to help me with this type of emergency, but eventually got the hang of it. My eyes were dark, shades of charcoal and gray, rimmed with thick liner. My lips, however, I used a pale shade of lipstick, as Lottie had taught me during one of my lessons while she was in school, to bring the attention to my eyes.  In the end, despite all my annoyance and swearing, it had actually turned out not too bad.

The weather was warm, thankfully, and I wanted to take advantage of the chance to wear something a little revealing. Ever since Harry and I had started dating, the weather had been cold. I hated the cold. The only time he saw me in anything other that sweaters or yoga clothes was our trip to the Bahamas. And of course when we were naked.

I pulled out a short, black lace dress I had bought while out with Eleanor back in London. The thin straps showed off my shoulders, while the high hem emphasized my legs.  A slight dip in the neckline, and a rather impressive push up bra thanks to Victoria’s Secret, gave my chest that little umph it needed. Slipping on a pair of black heels, throwing a few things into a small bag, I was ready to go just as Harry texted.

Now, I was waiting for him.

For some reason, though, I felt nervous. Not as nervous as our first date, thank God, but still….anxious. Things had been so distant between us, so awkward, over the last week, I felt as though we had lost a little bit of our connection. We had only been here a week, and yet it had seemed much longer. And unfortunately, not in a good way.

We needed this time together, to go out and be with each other without distractions. I had made a mental note to make Harry turn his phone off the moment he got in the door, and leave it off until Monday morning. I was tired of coming second to his fucking phone, and even though I knew it was necessary and part of his job, for the next thirty six hours, he was all mine.

The turn of the lock to our front door brought my attention away from the view of the city, turning to watch as Harry stepped into the house. He regarded him quickly before he noticed me, and was pleased to see he didn’t seem as tired, stressed or upset as he had in previous nights. Hopefully that meant good things for our evening together.

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