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After Lily and Zayn had left the other evening, Harry and I sat down and discussed the wedding. We still stood by our original sentiment of just enjoying our engagement and not rushing in to the planning stages, but we also agreed that setting down a few of the more important details early on would not only give us an idea where we stood and what we both wanted, but as Harry said, it would ‘let Lily off our fucking backs’.

We would be paying for the wedding ourselves, with the exception of my dress, which would be paid for by my mother. The date, we agreed, would be June twenty first of the following year, as we both loved the idea of our wedding being on the summer solstice, which gave us just under a year to plan. It was convenient that the day fell on a Saturday, but also caused us a little stress at the realization that it gave us less than a year to plan.  The only thing that we couldn’t quite agree on was a budget. Like most things monetary, where I wanted to keep things low key and modest, Harry wanted to go all out.

“This is our wedding, babe,” he argued, leaning back into the couch, bringing his wine glass to his lips. He had taken to joining me to finish off the bottle of wine Lily and I had begun earlier in the night. “Its our one excuse to be extravagant.”

Holding up my left hand, I wiggled by ring finger at him. “I believe you said something similar about this ring just a few days ago, Styles.”

He snickered to myself, before composing his smile. “That is quite possible, although I don’t remember it so you cant prove I said it,” he murmured. “But I still stand by what I said. This is our wedding. I know you don’t like when I spent a lot, but you need to get used to the fact that I do have a lot of money. And now you do, too. And while I will concede to your penny pinching on a normal day, I may have to challenge you on this one.”

I couldn’t help the laugh that came from my lips.

“You challenge me all the time when I try and stop you from spending, Harry, how is this any different. Other than the fact that it is our wedding.”

“Because,” he sighed, turning to pull his knee up onto the couch and face me. “I want this to be perfect. Granted, I know it will be, because Im marrying you,” he smirked, giving me a sexy wink and a tip of his wine glass to emphasize his point. “But I want it to be memorable for everyone. I want people to come away saying that was the best party they have ever been to.”

Harry set his glass on the table, before turning back to me and pulling me towards him. He moved to touch his nose to mine, his hands on my face.

“Com’on babe,” he whispered, his wine scented breath fanning over my face. “Think about it. White flowers everywhere. Candles lighting every surface. Music playing. Champagne flowing. You in a gorgeous white dress.”  He leaned forward and kissed my cheek, then the other, before kissing me gently on the lips. I sighed against his mouth, picturing the scene he created in my mind with his words.

When he pulled away, his hands remained on my face, my eyes closed. When I opened them, I found him watching me with a sly smile.

He knew he had me.

“Fine,” I sighed, placing my hands on his. “You get to pick the budget. But remember, we’re only in our twenties. If you bankrupt SE over our wedding now, we will be living in your car for the rest of our lives.”

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