The Troubling Phone Call

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Later that night, Harry had attempted to give Darcy a bath. As he waited for the bathtub to fill up, Sophie walked in with the phone.

Though she said she wouldn’t keep in touch, Leah had called to talk to Harry about something important. She was crying and pouring her heart out.

“Dad,” Sophie said walking into the bathroom.

“Yeah Soph?” Harry asked as he turned to look at his daughter before he helped Darcy getting her clothes off to get her ready for her bath.

“Mom’s on the phone. She said she needs to talk to you and that it’s really important, so she won’t take any excuses.” Whenever Leah said it was important and she wouldn’t take any excuses, it meant that it wasn’t that great of an announcement.

Harry looked a little confused and sighed roughly. He grabbed the phone from Sophie and talked to Leah as Sophie walked out. “Thanks Soph.”

“No problem.” She said while leaving the bathroom.

Harry wasn’t sure if he should be worried as soon as he put the phone up by his ear.  “Leah?”

“Harry?” She said crying.

“What’s wrong? Is everything okay?” Though they were divorced, they both still cared deeply about each other.

“No. We got divorced at a really bad time.” Leah cried even more.

“Why? How come? What happened? Is everything okay? Are you alright?” Harry asked bombarding Leah with questions,

Ignoring all of his questions, Leah just got straight to the point and blurted out her answer. “I’m three months pregnant.”

Harry’s eyes widened the moment he heard Leah say that she was pregnant. Being divorced, raising six daughters as a single parent, going back to work, how would Harry handle another baby? Leah couldn’t be a mother anymore, there was no way she could raise another baby, especially without Harry, and she wanted to give the baby to Harry.

“What was that?” Harry asked sounding startled. “Could you please repeat that? I don’t think I heard you clearly.”

“I’m pregnant, and I can’t raise this baby alone. Actually, I can’t raise this baby at all, because I don’t want to if you ask me.”

“And what makes you think I can Leah? You left me with the girls, and I have no idea what I’m doing. You did everything, and so did Peyton, you never let me do anything. All I did was spoil the girls, and you disciplined them.”

“You wanted the divorce Harry, it’s not like it’s my fault. You can’t exactly blame me.”

“So you’re blaming me? You’re the one who felt like you were being a bad Mum.” Harry said angrily.

“But I’m not the one who fell in love with someone else Harry. You tell the girls I’m pregnant, because I’m not raising this baby. You’re getting the baby and you’re raising the baby when it’s born. Don’t come to the birth, because it’s not worth you holding my hand while I force this baby out of me. I’ll come by and leave the baby on your doorstep. Case close, and you can learn to be a parent. Goodbye Harry.” Leah said hanging up her phone angrily.

Harry sighed as he sat down on the bathroom floor. Without saying a word, Darcy walked up to Harry, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek, hoping that would cheer him up.

Carefully wrapping his arms around his daughter, Harry grabbed Darcy and set her on his lap. “Oh Princess, your Daddy is just having a really tough day. Your Mummy is gone, I don’t know what I’m doing, and now Mummy is pregnant. You don’t know what that is yet, but you’re going to be a big sister. I wonder what your sisters will say.” Harry sighed again.

Darcy looked up at Harry and kissed his nose. “I love you Daddy.”

“I love you too Princess.” Harry responded while kissing Darcy’s nose.

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